• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023

  • Was a while since last but…

    • balance is a fickle mistress best ignored. With npc advantages/disadvantages you can easily on the fly adjust pressure.

    -when in doubt throw grenades even if the npc is bad at it. Let the grenade destroy environment

    • not just invite the players to get involved with resolving adv/disadv, drag them kicking and screaming into it. Including for the npcs

    • spend your destiny points. Do it. Do it often

    • keep the splat books to a minimum if someone wants to create their own character

    • there will be narrative chaos. Don’t fight it, embrace it. Spending destiny points to steer them back on track feels less railroady than just doing it.

  • Apocalypse World, the system that spawned the PbtAs, have a pronciple for the GM

    Play to find out

    For me that is the guiding light. I play to find out. There is no plot, no story. Only the situation the game finds itself in. I dont know where it will go. But I do know where it starts and who is involved.

    As for managing the chaos I use two tools. First is only call for a roll when it really, really matters. When there are consequences. Second is something that can have fallen out of favor in more recent PbtAs and that 8s clearly defined Threats along with the moves they take and a few clocks/fronts. That way when I need to Play to find out I have tools to keep it contained. Which also ties into only testing when it matters because there are a threat or two involved.

    Or put in another way: Read and absorb Apocalypse World.

  • Divinity original sin 2. Starting to get to grips with the system and things are starting to go my way. Escaped from the fort and is now exploring the marshes.

    That game got a serious lesrning and difficulty curve early on. Then at one point it was like a switch flipped and the party came together. Enough gear to last long enough to start chain cc-ing the mobs and enough cc skills to keep them that way.

  • From where I live in my small Swedish town (about 8k inhabitants), so pretty much the whole town

    2 grocery stores

    2 convenience stores

    2 bus stops (5 lines)

    At least 10 resturants including a burger joint, a thai and a chinese. Most pizza places though

    1 hardware/home appliance store

    1 hardware/gardening store

    2 home appliance stores

    3 clothing stores, of which one for babies and one for sports

    4 (?) Hairdresser

    2 pharmacies

    3 second hand stores

    3 gyms, one of which at the sport centre

    A sport centre with swimming hall, general sport hall, bowling alleys, gym and fields for outdoor sports

    Two large schools and a couple of daycares


    2 graveyards

    Police station

    Municipal services

    2 Opticians

    1 library

    Think that may be it

  • I tend to take one or two approaches. First being “Slowest and Loudest” in that the one worst at the test makes the roll, most of the time with help. Possibly also backed by a setup action.

    Second is turning it into an extended test, I’ll put up a tracker and we’ll see what actions the narrative drags up. With this option a failure is only Stealth Over if it has to be, when there is no other reasonable consequence. So clanker can clank.

  • There is a diversity of Christian denominations and some are (socially) progressive. But we seldom hear about them as angry evangelical ones scream mich louder. But they are there, doing their work as they always have making little news unless you look for it.

    For example the Metropolitan Community Church has ordained LGBT clergy since 1968 and United Church of Christ since -72. So there are very socially progressive denominations out there, just wish their voices were heard louder. Or that media reported on them more.

    Thinking of it I would like more Christian schisms to be prevalent.