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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • For someone who isn’t right leaning, you’re pretty good at sharing text book right wing talking points. If the American propaganda machine were a boat, the online content you consume would be in it’s wake. Further, it doesn’t matter if you don’t watch the propaganda directly if you’re watching “content creator’s” who watch it and then relay the information to you in an easy-to-digest “here’s how you should think about this” 20 min video.

  • That’s not what “cancel culture” is outside of the right-wing media network. I’m very staunchly progressive, all my friends and most of my family are left leaning, and we literally NEVER engage with “cancel culture” the way your media says we do. In fact, I don’t know a single person that has ever talked about canceling anyone, ever, as far as I’m aware. This, along with all the attempts to make it seem like the left supports perverts and killing literal infants is all part of a very, VERY obvious attempt to paint MILLIONS of people as some sort of boogeyman. People on the left react to you the way they do because you believe in and spread nonsense that only exists to demonize them, all from atop some kind of high horse made up of default human values, as if you’re proud of being a basic human (protecting children/property/public wellbeing). The right literally fabricates stories, then tells you millions of regular Americans support pure evil, and you guys eat that shit up every single time, not because it has any basis in reality, but because you’re addicted to feeling reviled by, and better than others.

    I believe that every human has the ability to be rational and do good in the world, and I also believe that every human can be misled and manipulated into living a terrible fear-ridden life of baseless hate and paranoia towards others. Which kind of human do you want to be?

  • I’m sorry my comment didn’t meet your standards. I’m tired of reading the same intellectually vapid nonsense every day. “Why can’t these evil/ignorant/despicable fools just see the world the way I see it!?” You treat them the same way they treat us and expect them to have some kind of coming-to-jesus moment as a result. IMO, thinking this way requires the same level of cognitive dissonance as being a Trumpster. You need to read the room and see that your method doesn’t solve the problem you want it to solve. It exacerbates it. Instead of crying out to the world, wishing everyone else would do the hard work of expanding their understanding of political theory, history, and philosophy, maybe do that work yourself first.

    Can you look beyond the harshness in the tone of my paragraph and take the constructive criticism I’m offering? This is what you’re asking them to do.

  • I considered myself a libertarian before I saw how the people on the right reacted to same-sex marriage being legalized. Their collective reaction broke the lie that they were the party of freedom/equality. I spent years deprogramming/re-educating myself. Now I’m very progressive and much more sensitive to biased info sources, but… I’m dating a “conservative”. He’s questioning his political beliefs now due to the right’s resurgence of anti-lgbtq and the conversations we’ve had surrounding that.

    Thing is, all humans attach their beliefs/values/principles to the narrative they sell themselves about who they are. We settle into these narratives as we come of age, and constantly reinforce them through our perceptions of our lived experiences. For someone to be able to withstand the process of unraveling and reconstructing who they are on a fundamental level, an extreme event is necessary. Something that shocks them with enough force to break one of the core beliefs of whatever system they’re beholden to.

    YOUR PROBLEM is that you lack understanding in this area of human nature. That lack of understanding leads to frustration, resentment, and ultimately the same tribalism you see in the people you choose to hate. You see them as sub-human, automatically elevating yourself above them because your confirmation bias tells you that your version of truth is the only real truth, but you’re too heavily steeped in your own soup to realize that you’re engaging with politics the exact same way they are.

    Be better. Hate the swindlers, not the swindled. Don’t tolerate intolerance either. Just gently point out when they’re being intolerant and let them (hopefully) stubble into their own epiphanies.

    TL:DR; Confirmation bias is a helluva drug. Your willful ignorance of your own confirmation bias is blinding you and limiting your ability to understand basic human nature. I hope this stimulates a little more thought, with a little more intellectual honesty on your part. Cheers.

  • Because people like you repeatedly say trans people are grooming kids, just like people like you said gay men were grooming kids, just like people like you said black men were grooming your kids (to do drugs).

    Personally, I don’t see what is “curious” about responding to wild accusations against an entire minority group with a resounding “that’s not happening and you’re using a dog whistle to dehumanize trans people.”

    Things may be less “curious” for you if, instead of starting with a conclusion and working backwards to justify/explain it, you started with a question/hypothesis and worked towards a logical conclusion. Just a suggestion.