As someone who has friends before in a similar situation as you, you may have certain limitations or disabilities and the best option is, yes it’s work but it’s extremely gratifying is to go and find a good therapist that you can talk to to help understand yourself and your predicament.
That’s my suggestion of the best course as you have potentially other underlying things you don’t realize like severe codependency (from my experience from my friends I used to have, not saying you do)
If you simply just don’t do anything nothing will change and it will get worse and worse.
(Just in case your hyper dependent with your parents) Just absolutely do something if you care about yourself at all. Your parent(s) will not be there forever, they can’t sustain you forever.
My top ones I constantly replay are Factorio, rimworld and modded Minecraft java version, mainly because there’s a incredible amount of mods For all of them, make themed runs for each one. Sometimes action adventure sometimes just pure automation.
Nearly 8k in Factorio and probably Minecraft, not as much in rimworld but only because I bought it about a year ago