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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I’d say it’s more that parents (companies) should be more responsible about what they tell their kids (customers).

    Because right now the companies have a new toy (AI) that they keep telling their customers can make thunder from clapping. But in reality the claps sometimes make thunder but are also likely to make farts. Occasionally some incredibly noxious ones too.

    The toy might one day make earth-rumbling thunder reliably, but right now it can’t get close and saying otherwise is what’s irresponsible.

  • Rental auctions are an idea worth trying, but rates on high street locations are only part of the puzzle of dying high streets. There need to be people willing and able to set up viable businesses, and the locations need to be both affordable and desirable.

    Confidence in the economy is not exactly at a high at the moment, and the £500,000 bung is drop in the ocean considering the decade plus of local underfunding and inefficient spending practices of local government (my local council recently somehow burned through nearly 100 grand putting up a couple of benches and a flower bed 🙄).

    That’s all before thinking about the broader cultural changes we’ve seen recently, from the shift to e-commerce to effect of COVID.