Yeah. But Celsius refers to inside room temperatures. 0°C = yay, ice skating! 100°C = yay, sauna!
Yeah. But Celsius refers to inside room temperatures. 0°C = yay, ice skating! 100°C = yay, sauna!
100°F broken sauna.
100°C sauna is fine.
mild in what way?
It doesn’t even boil water.
Have you ever experienced 100f?
It’s slightly above my core body temperature. So yes, literally I experience it all the time.
You can literally get heat exhaustion, and heat stroke from temperatures of 110f pretty easily
Sauna. It’s literally boiled water. And it’s pretty safe for average human.
What? 100°F is too mild. It doesn’t even boil water!
Does that mean there won’t be any consequences? Just a show for the public? Someone from the management sitting and answering questions, like always?
Unfortunately, OnePlus began to lock their Phones with OnePlus 7 and latest Android versions. It was very hard to install LineageOS under these circumstances.
Stay away from them is my recommendation now.
One easy way to install unbound.
Run your own DNS server at home, if you can. In this way you don’t need to setup any upstream resolvers. You just need the public federated DNS that is queried recursively.
Maybe finding the (n!)²th prime?
Many corps still use Oracle Java 8 which is an expensive license. In some cases they think that Oracle Java is somehow better than OpenJDK. In other cases they still use old technologies like Applets or Java Webstart.
All in all, it’s in most cases technical debt.
When you program embedded you’ll also dereference NULL
pointers at some point.
Some platforms can have something interesting at memory address 0x0
(it’s often NULL
in C).
It may be open as concerns specs, but in most countries you’ll pay much for using provider services instead of internet.
On the other hand it’s closed, because no one except big mobile comms can offer this service. It’s better to avoid it. The only way to have free communication standards is to use the good old internet instead of the infrastructure of the provider.
They can have access to everything, if you use GBoard (default Android keyboard app).
Of course the headline is misleading. AI has always read your messages, if you allowed it. It depends how the AI is used and if it respects your privacy. It is possible and you can enjoy having your messages classified (or tagged) properly, so you know what are ads, which one belong banking, news or things you’re interested in.
As long as it assists you to do some boring complex tasks, it can be a great help.
Is 50°F 50% cold or 50% hot?