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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • These are just things I learned running it and they worked for me but might not be the case for everybody

    • Focus on just the core book. WoD has always suffered from bloat and an early game I ran got out of hand pretty quick bc I let PCs pick from anything

    • Start small. 5e I think does a balance of horror great, but don’t worry about shit going on in the far corners of the world with millennia-old vampires; let your PCs carve their niche out first

    • Lorebooks at your own risk. I didn’t like them but again, IDGAF about the metaplot

    • Don’t forget hunger is always there and should affect rolls but also you should always be challenging that hunger. I’m not a combative dm/st/gm whatever but like … I think that’s the whole point. Kindred existence is just a constant war of controlling the Beast.

    • Ask lots of questions and use those answers against the players especially during character creation and extra especially with Advantages and Flaws

    • Watch having thin-bloods in with your genned kindred. I felt like there was a huge power gap, or at least make players aware it might get weird

    Idk the rules went fine but I’m used to WoD dice pool weirdness. I never house-ruled any of the 5e rules myself other than the mixed-gen coterie thing

  • What other game is the second group playing?

    I found that the idea of “D&D” doesn’t match with the reality of D&D® (or adjacent like Pathfinder and Shadow of the Demon Lord). Like most people think of grand stories with climactic moments and character growth and the modern D&D offers more of a “square - counting, binary pass/fail roll slog, abstract resource management with little character choice after 3rd level, and almost zero risk” experience. Which is great in a video game, but boring at the table.

    I’ve ran D&D® (or adjacent) for numerous groups for over 30 years now across multiple editions and the most success in the D&D® framework I had was B/X, but I think the game that comes closest to realizing “D&D” as a concept is Dungeon World. No overwhelming player facing textbooks, and it constantly pushes the narrative forward no matter what the outcome of a roll is. It’s also free.

    There’s thousands of different games out there from more complex than D&D to single word RPGs. Find the right one for you and your group 😄