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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • That’s right, there is no single vision. That’s why there’s so many different front ends. I currently pay $5/month to 4 different ones cause I like where they’re going. Which do you support?

    So obviously we’re talking about it and you want one and there isn’t one. Why do you think that is? Do you think that maybe projects and protocols “speak” direction by the implementation? Do you think that the fact there’s a bunch of front ends and apps for Lemmy and Mastodon and all the rest and NONE of them have this feature might be a clue that the fediverse is trying to tell you something?

    No, I mean, I guess “the fediverse” didn’t come right out and say it to me, but I guess I can read between the lines.

    But I’m super excited to see your investment in what you want! Post back here with what you come up with.

  • That’s not fair. You didn’t know her name until 5 mins ago, and neither did anyone else outside political spheres. She’s a placeholder candidate until a general election that already has some big hitters in the race. Her resume suggests she’s as locked in socially as any progressive could want. Her work with unions is unimpeachable and there’s no reason to believe she was the bad guy at Uber and Airbnb.

    She should be offered the opportunity to speak to her role in those companies, and she should take it and give the people she now represents a fuller understanding of her work there, because its fair to want to know what it was.

    Its fair to criticize if she doesn’t. Its fair to criticize if she mealy mouths it.

    But its not fair to call her a corporate removed.

  • Because its terrifying to drop $50k on a car whose future is tied to someone who is so obviously unhinged. Many companies are led by weirdos, but its a real problem when you don’t know if your car is going to work right based on the whims of said weirdo.

    Also, Musk has absolutely lied his ass off for years about the capability of the car.

    I owned a 2018 Model 3 LR and it was nothing but trouble. I couldn’t even use the cruise control because it would randomly smash the brakes on the freeway, even when there were no other cars around. My door panel would catch on the other panels when it opened, causing a decent sized dent. The trunk leaked. They would do updates that moved everything around and suddenly you can’t find the screen that opened the glove box. But it did make fart sounds hurr durr.

    No thanks.