• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 6th, 2023


  • I can provide some context from Greece.

    First of all, the unemployment rate is high. The official figure is currently at 12.5% but has been steadily decreasing from its peak of 27.7% in 2013. The real numbers are probably higher since people that haven’t been employed within the last few years are not accounted.

    As a result, labour rights are non-existent, overtime is rarely paid, wages have been stagnant since 2008, it is really common to work in unsafe conditions, and worker abuse occurs so often noone bats an eye.

    While we do have unions more often than not they are powerless. For example, last year we had a major train accident (57 people died), the goverment blamed the train workers, their response was pretty much “our strikes for the safety issues that lead to the accident were deemed illegal, while our attempts to raise the issues were dismissed by the ministry of transportation”.

    We have had major nationwide protests with more than a million of people taking to the streets, but noone feels like that ever lead to anywhere.

    IMO one of the greatest problems is the lack of information. Mainstream media are corrupt, and independent media are sabotaged or persecuted by the government. People do not know their rights, we have been trying to survive for so long that we cannot imagine a better future, and that allows employers to freely profit from laborers.

    One interesting development is that lately more collectives are popping here and there, from coffee shops to softwafe development houses, more and more people are fed up and try to take matters on their own hands (even if in absolute numbers they are still very few).

  • In it, Walz argues that the lessons of the “Jewish Holocaust” should be taught “in the greater context of human rights abuses,” rather than as a unique historical anomaly or as part of a larger unit on World War II. “To exclude other acts of genocide severely limited students’ ability to synthesize the lessons of the Holocaust and the ability to apply them elsewhere,” he wrote.

    What an antisemite, he wants people to learn so such acts of horror never happen again.

    Edit: Obviously, I am being sarcastic, I totally agree with Walz.

  • It depends on the field you are studying. I was into CS, using Linux was recommended because the machines they used to test our code were also running linux.

    Most fields are going to be okay with linux, the only exception being fields that rely on specialized software like architects, engineers, and audio/video editing. Also, some software like MatLab are possible to run on Linux but it’s a pain to set them up.

  • I am definitely guilt for that, but I find this approach really productive. We use small bug fixes as an opportunity to improve the code quality. Bigger PRs often introduce new features and take a lot of time, you know the other person is tired and needs to move on, so we focus on the bigger picture, requesting changes only if there is a bug or an important structural issue.

  • Well, I can see your point of view, after all computer science has been used for a lot of sinister things in our time. However, science is a neutral thing on itself, how we use it makes the difference.

    A great example are corporate social media vs the fediverse. While we can all see the good a social media platforms can offer, they way corporate social media have been shaped introduces a lot of problems. Given the circumstances I may argue they were a necessary step, but it’s definitely time for change, and a lot of people (including us right now) are working hard for that change.

    Social Computing as field would study this change, how people made decisions, and how it influenced both their lives and the society we live in. It involves asking questions like: How the fediverse came to be? How the transition could have been faster? Or, How it can be used for the greater good?

    Of course, these questions can be shaped in an exploitative way like: How the evolution of the fediverse could stopped or slowed down? How the fediverse could be exploited for the gain of the few? etc…

    In the end, I believe the question is who is more powerful, a few people with a lot of money, or a lot of people with little money? Right now the few seem to have the upper hand, but if the access to resources is the only difference, then I believe that we can be optimistic as science and technology have always been about doing more with less resources.

  • The 21st century has been mostly focused on finding new applications of existing technology. A lot of things are changing in pretty much every aspect of life, but nothing is entirely new.

    The internet has really changed the shape of our world, but, even though it really kicked off after the year 2000, it was invented during the 20th century.

    Something to keep in mind is that humanity is redifining what counts as an invention, a lot of ideas are created all the time, so the bar has been raised significantly.

    Also, we need to keep in mind how big corps have been killing innovation in the name of profit. New products are being created all the time, but they are bought by bigger companies and burried. This is happenig because these innovations carry a certain risk that an established company with a good revenue flow is not willing to accept.

    Personally, I am excited about the field of Social Computing, it is still at its infancy and has a lot of potential. The main idea is to create alogirthms based on human interactions that solve real world problems. A few questions one may ask include: How misinformation is being spread, and what is the optimal way to fight it? How do we fight corruption and authoriative power? These questions have been approached by a lot of fields, but creating algorithms and proving their effectiveness requires a deep understanding of computer science.

  • While I agree with most of what you say, I have a personal anecdote that highlights the importance of performance as a feature.

    I have a friend that studies economics and uses python for his day to day. Since computer science is not his domain, he finds it difficult to optimize his code, and learning a new language (C in this case) is not really an option.

    Some of his experiments take days to run, and this is becoming a major bottleneck in his workflow. Being able to write faster code without relying on C is going to have a significant impact on his research.

    Of course, there are other ways to achieve similar results, for example another friend is working on DIAS a framework that optimizes pandas in the runtime. But, the point still stands, there are a tonne of researchers relying on python to get quick and dirty results, and performance plays a significant in that when the load of data is huge.

  • I have been thinking about this for quite some time, feel free to add me on matrix (link in bio) if you are interested to collaborate/discuss.

    It’s interesting to consider a few potential use-cases, as you can see below the technical requirements for each use-case can be vastly different.

    Notice, I am assuming that accounts are connected, aka if someone creates a post, that post can reach users of other instances. See the “Connecting Instances” section below.

    Use Case: Organizing an Event

    Let’s say Alice wants to organize a trivia night at the coffee shop she works at. After all the preparations, Alice needs to invite people, so she makes a post with the location, the date, and the announcement of the event.

    People following Alice’s (or the coffee shop’s) account, will be notified of the event and choose to either attend or not. Some may even “boost” the event, so it’s reaches more people.

    Discovery is not optimal. It’s possible, people that live nearby the coffee shop, and would have otherwise attended the event, weren’t following the account, as a result weren’t notified and missed the event.

    Instead, if a location based feed was available, it would have allowed people to find Alice’s post and attend the event. The UX for such a feed can be complex, but the backend requirements are pretty straightforward, we need to filter (and/or sort) using the location, date and tags of an event.

    All in all, the volume of data is small (not a lot of events happen at the same time and the same area), and the application is not time-critical (if a post takes several of minutes to reach other users it’s not an issue as the event is posted days in advance).

    Use Case: Short-Term/Live Monitoring

    Let’s say a group wants to organize a protest march, they know that the police tends to get violent on such occasions, so they need to monitor the police’s activity and alert the people accordingly.

    So, they create a system where some people are responsible for monitoring the area and regularly upload posts with the exact location of the police. This allows the group to create a map that shows the locations of police blocks and adjust their route accordingly.

    While the example is terrible, I believe the use-case is clear. A lot of people, need to monitor “something” that is happening “right now”.

    Again, probably most of the complexity lies on the UX design, but a few backend requirements are added:

    1. There is a large volume of data, and everything is time-critical.
    2. There is a need for control on who is able to posts, otherwise ill-willed users will be able to create noise and render the system useless.
    3. There is a need for control on who is able to access the information.

    Keep in mind that (2) and (3) do not mean that a decentralized platform would be better suited.

    Use Case: Long Term Monitoring

    Let’s say, during the spring, a population of ducks passes through the city. Tourists and locals alike want to watch the ducks, so they start recording sightings.

    This information not only allows users that are nearby to rush to watch the ducks when there is a sighting, but also can be used to create a heatmap of the most probable locations to find ducks for a given time of day.

    Technical requirements:

    1. Small volume of data, but information can be time-critical.
    2. Need to generate notifications for users interested to respond to the sighting.
    trigger warning

    I had SA incidents in mind when writing the above example, but I choose a more light-hearted example to avoid needlessly triggering people.

    The use-case is pretty much the same. The locations are places to avoid for safety reasons, and people rushing to the scene are either searching for the perp or helping/protecting the victim.

    Use Case: Information Sharing

    Let’s say Bob learns an interesting trivia about the statue on the town square. He creates a post about the trivia and stamps it with the location of the statue.

    Here, time is irrelevant to the post, people are going to be interested in Bob’s trivia years down the line. However, people need to be able to discover Bob’s trivia, and a map is probably the best tool for the job.

    Technical requirements:

    1. Volume of data depends on population of an area, city centers are going to have more posts that small towns.
    2. Nothing is time-critical.

    Connecting Instances

    Utilising this, we could create a list of Habitat instances that are relevant to a user’s current location, and then query only those instances.

    I don’t think this would work, habbitat.world would still have users around the globe, as a result it would be queried every time someone refreshes their feed. You may make a case that there shouldn’t be such an instance, but keep in mind (a) pretty much every Fediverse platform has a few huge instances, and (b) that would exclude users located in places without a local instance (or local instances with unethical admins/mods).

    I believe the existing follow-based federation mechanisms would provide a better solution. Keep in mind that fedizens don’t want to see “everything” within their feeds, but a curated list of posts/events based on their choices and/or the choices of people with similar background (same instance).