
Let me know if you want to mod any communities I’ve setup here on, thank you.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • 2.5 Admins - A couple admins talk about tech news and admin related topics with the host.

    Darknet Diaries - Stories on hacking, data breaches, and cyber crimes.

    Macrodosing - A not too serious look at a range of interesting topics and conspiracies with Arian Foster and PMT commentator and a few others.

    And these which are self-explanatory: Late Night Linux, Linux Unplugged, Self-Hosted

  • Strawman. Where did I claim advertising wasn’t previously manipulative? I never made those claims. I’m concerned with the scale and effectiveness provided by these data pools. Don’t equate misleading marketing campaigns with the level of scale and effectiveness this offers. Again, see the Cambridge Analytica scandal for reference. It’s been proven that they can control a large demographic to sway an election. The means and effectiveness have never before been seen, and were made entirely possible by data collection. That’s the reason the data is so valuable, and that’s the reason so many resources are being poured into it. Eventually they will be able to use it to set opinion and control the majority of society.

  • You’re thinking little picture, your data specifically isn’t worth anything. Do you really think these multi-billion dollar companies are investing these crazy resources into data to see your porn history or sell you a different brand of toothpaste?

    Your data with everyone else’s data is worth a lot because they can use it to manipulate and control society. The Cambridge Anyltica scandal was a proof of concept… and you are not impervious to it. Some of us don’t want to participate in fueling that machine, but congrats on bringing yourself to not care about it I guess.

  • somedaysoon@lemmy.worldtoBoost For Lemmy@lemmy.worldGo Boost, go!
    1 year ago

    I think it is unreasonable to diss an app because the free version has ads. Especially when the paid version is $4.

    That initial comment didn’t diss it though, that’s your insecurity talking again; it was merely pointed out that it had ads and tracking. Apps have a disclaimer in f-droid about ads and tracking and non-free services… does that offend you too? Because you’re so offended someone pointed out ads and tracking. Maybe you should go write f-droid a long letter too, because I’m growing tired of you wasting my time with your insecurity and idiocy.

    There is no ideal society where all software is FOSS, because solely writing FOSS doesn’t put food on the table.

    I mean, we’re really, really close to living in that world… at least I am… the fact is, FOSS is better in most cases already and extremely close to parity in the areas it is slightly behind in right now. It’s only a matter of time when all FOSS reaches parity and it is no longer even a question. That writing has been on the wall for years.

    The infrastructure you’re talking about (which I’m assuming is things like the Linux kernel), is developed by companies that make money through ads. I’m sorry to say my guy, but advertising is what pays the bills.

    I’m talking about much more than that, but let’s use the Linux kernel as the example. Do they make money by putting the ads in the kernel? Oh… no? So you’re just off on some fucking meaningless tangent then, huh? And remind me, how was the Linux kernel created again? Was it these large companies? Oh… no? And why has it continued to remain free and open? Better people than you and those companies created it and setup the licensing for it. And why does a profit driven company contribute to FOSS anyway? Hmm… because they see the value in an open community effort and understand it’s better than anything they could build themselves internally. There is a reason that 90% of web and cloud infrastructure runs on it. There is a reason Microsoft runs FOSS internally for many of their systems.

    Either way, I will never support advertisement based systems. I have rooted access to the host file with Adaway and in addition DNS blocking on network with Adguard Home to make sure of it. I have a custom dashboard on my Firestick that has no ads and the Amazon servers are blocked at the network firewall from changing it, and I use alternative clients for Twitch and Youtube that have no ads and even skip sponsor segments. I don’t get any ads on any device, ever. And if I can’t find a way around it or to block it, I simply will not use it.

    And no, just because I make something FOSS doesn’t mean you’re entitled to my continuing work.

    I mean, yeah… it does under many FOSS licenses.

    And second, when it breaks or needs to be updated or you need help with it, that’s still work that someone has to do.

    That’s an assumption in an imagined scenario. It’s meaningless conjecture.

    I’m assuming you’re not a FOSS dev or this would be pretty apparent to you, as well as how FOSS is actually funded (or not).

    I have contributed to a few FOSS projects when and where I can. You are not a FOSS advocate, sure you may have released some FOSS software, but anyone can do that… Microsoft and Google have done that, but that doesn’t make them a part of the FOSS community. FOSS isn’t just about creating open-sourced software, it’s an ideology.

  • somedaysoon@lemmy.worldtoBoost For Lemmy@lemmy.worldGo Boost, go!
    1 year ago

    The list of ad trackers is inaccurate, and listing a crash analytics service as a tracker is misleading.

    So you’re upset because some of the items in the list are wrongly earmarked by whatever app they used to find analytics and advertisers? You understand that there are ads and analytics in it though, right? The developer confirmed there are ads and analytics in it.

    If people feel entitled to my work, I don’t want to work for them.

    Then don’t write FOSS… when you write FOSS, everyone is actually entitled to your work, and they can fork it, and do whatever they want with it; that’s literally the spirit of FOSS. If you do write a FOSS app with ads and tracking… I’m free to fork it or even just compile it for myself without the ads and tracking in it.

    Now maybe you don’t like entitled users making demands of your time, that’s fine, tell them to fuck off, that’s well within your right, they don’t own your time, and you owe them nothing. But don’t sit here and say people don’t have the right to point out and be wary of ads and tracking.

    Don’t conflate those two very separate issues.

    Again, no demands were made, it was merely pointed out that the software has ads and tracking. And people downvoted that simple, straight-forward, non-judgmental fact. That says more about the downvoters and their insecurity over their priorities than it does about the person that pointed out the tracking.

    And as far as FOSS and ads go, some of the biggest FOSS projects in the world make a significant amount of their funding through advertising

    And some of the biggest FOSS projects and tooling that holds up massive infrastructure also relies on absolutely no advertising. But the great thing about FOSS… as I previously mentioned, is the ads can be removed from those few projects that do have advertising built into them. But most FOSS projects don’t include that bullshit, most FOSS developers care about freedom and privacy, and contributing to that type of ideal software society. It sounds like you’re ashamed of being a removed… but like I said, you need to own it and stop being insecure about it and making excuses about it. We have different ideologies. I align more with the Richard Stallmans and Linus Torvalds of the world, you don’t, and that’s fine, I’m not passing judgment on you. But you can’t sit there and pretend like you’re something you’re not… the money is worth it to you over the ideal of a free and private software society.

  • somedaysoon@lemmy.worldtoBoost For Lemmy@lemmy.worldGo Boost, go!
    1 year ago

    And what exactly is misleading? There are ads and analytics in this application.

    These are the kind of comments that make me want to stop writing FOSS.

    What the fuck are you talking about? People pointing out analytics and ads in other apps make you want to stop writing FOSS? Lmao, brother, if you don’t care about ads and tracking and are writing FOSS… I don’t want to use your app either. And I sure as fuck wouldn’t care if you stopped writing it.

  • somedaysoon@lemmy.worldtoBoost For Lemmy@lemmy.worldGo Boost, go!
    1 year ago

    No one demanded anything. The initial comment here was nothing but a presentation of facts. It’s legitimate information that people care about knowing. If you don’t want to be reminded about privacy and tracking, and FOSS alternatives then might I suggest reddit? It’s a site a lot like lemmy with the exception that the userbase largely doesn’t care about those things. You might feel right at home there, but a lot of us here left it over those sorts of reasons.