Teacher, technologist, and humanist. Mostly blind. Listens to a lot of music. #Linux and #Emacs user, #Python programmer. Also #baking and #cooking. PhD in, like, stuff.
Wants to talk about #music and #ambient right now.
📻 #Music
🥧 #Baking
👨🦯 #Blind stuff
👨🏫 #Teaching
🗝 #Humanities
🐍 #Python
🐧# Linux
Σ #Emacs
❄ #WimHof
𓂀 #Occult
👍 #Optimism
👎 #Pessimism
I use Airsonic, a self-hosted alternative to Subsonic. Basically, it indexes your music library and then serves it, either through a provided web app or via apps like Play:sub on iOS (but there are a number of apps).
I get my music from o r pheus. network, great community (private tracker)