• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2023

  • It all depends on how you define the word chemtrails. It’s easy to jump to the most ridiculous version of the theory and reject it, but that is somewhat akin to a straw man. In light of what I just showed you, it’s also incredibly contradictory.

    No offense, but if you oversimplify the situation to “it’s just contrails that linger and people not understanding this” I think you’re not doing yourself any justice. Not everyone who questions these things is a fool who can’t reason or apply logic.

  • I suggest you ask a woman who has been raped whether she agrees that it should be compared to a cow’s artificial insemination.

    Everyone is so keen on resorting to the worst possible choice of words, with the end result being that they lose all meaning and its use shits on those who’ve actually gone true it. Perhaps you should think about that before you next try to signal your virtues.

  • smooth_tea@lemmy.worldtoAsk Lemmy@lemmy.worldIf it's acceptable...
    10 months ago

    “Feast on the eventual child!”

    I eat meat, but I try to lower my intake and make the right choices as to it’s origins, as I detest the horrible practices that happen. But man, these over the top descriptions just to create an emotional reaction are so ridiculous. They’re no different from the anti abortion crowd yelling baby murder. If you have to resort to these sorts of arguments, you’re really doing yourself and what you stand for a disservice.

    Lastly, to answer your question, it’s the same reason there’s a difference between murder and involuntary manslaughter. Intent is a very important factor when we judge someone’s actions.

  • You can removed about it all you want but the reality is that it actually works for a select group, the Amazons, Binances, etc. And that was always how it was going to be. The failures you point to are not a sign that these things don’t work, they were always going to be there, they are like the people during the gold rush who found diddly squat, that doesn’t mean there wasn’t any gold.

    Anyone who suggests that AI “will return to nothing” is a fool, and I don’t think you really believe it either.