• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023

  • It’s real good man. D2 I found had a great loot feeling, but the general signposting of where to go was shit. But this was mostly because they didn’t update D2 in the remastered version much because I guess they knew people would be pissed if they updated it too much.

    D4 was initially epic with the bois, but the slow grind and analysis paralysis of loot was annoying in the end. So much garbage loot with no filters and way too many affixes on weapons, you sit there for ages wondering if that bit of loot is better…or worse?? Or maybe good for that thing, but not the other. Urgh, and the legendary aspect thing was annoying to manage (shit, I found a weapon, but uh oh, I don’t have an aspect in reserve to apply to this cool new weapon, so my build will be fucked??? yay!)

    PoE has that D2 loot feeling, power growth and SPEED that D4 simply can’t have due to level scaling. Honestly, why is a group of minions giving me a hard time in D4 when in PoE I can blast a screen worth of little shits in one go? Super fun.

    I don’t mind being a shit character when i’m level 10, NOT 70. It was a pain post campaign in D4, I should be a god not some weak maggot after I saved Sanctuary lol.

    Give it a shot, it’s free :) I think it’s due an update in August [new league].

  • I really enjoy it for what it is, but I feel like they need to refine the overall experience.

    People can jump through windows and spray you, yet the ttk is super low, slow reloads and gunplay is a mixed bag when it comes to mechanics (single fire over auto, bipods don’t help at al).

    I’ll give it a massive benefit of the doubt due to pricing and oh, yeah…it’s made with love by three people.

    The party system is amazing and allows my friends and I to be dragged into a game in mere seconds. Worth it alone for that tbh.

  • I was a somewhat massive lurker on reddit, I didn’t bother engaging much because I knew 60% of the time the reply would be snippy, even if my post wouldn’t be remotely combative. So over the years I just stopped bothering mostly.

    My inbox has kicked off more here in the last week than probably the last 365 days on reddit. It’s really wholesome, for lack of a better term.

    All it takes if you commenting, to fire off more comments just like now. It’s good shit!

  • Nice OP!

    Same here, if anything this whole thing has done me a favour. Many times the past year i’ve considered giving up reddit. I tend to scroll reddit when I play with the dog after walkies, and the amount of time my brain says ‘why you do this shit?’ as I scroll past nothing, looking at comment chains of constant bickering. Why am I scrolling pasts hundreds of pointless comments, meandering bad takes, puns, the time wasted…for what gain? It was kinda an addiction I guess.

    The first day has been great tbh, Memmy feels good despite the instance’ slowness. The Hot filter is pretty good for catching newISH posts, or light comment posts which i’ve been tagging onto.

    It really feels like old school forum days, and it’s been really awesome to have my inbox popping off with replies. What’s the point of lots of comments like a big reddit thread when no one replies or even sees your comment? Really looking back, it was just pissing in the wind.

    Or if you did get a reply over on pigboycity, it would be some massive drangus trying to start a fight. Just ugh. I deleted my posts and account yesterday, now reddits just gonna be my suffix for google searches when I need something (until the fed starts getting indexed over the coming months/years).

    I also really like the look here. old.reddit to me always looked shit from a UI standpoint (Despite being massively better than New, of course). lemmy.world just looks concise without being overwhelming. I’m excited to see growth and engage with real people again just like the old days.

  • Yea man, I thought wefwef was the one, but I dislike not having a default sort option, nor tapping the top of the screen to return from the bottom of a comment chain [for example]. I’m sure it’ll get there. IDK anything about these web apps, and if they’re limited in their functionality but it LOOKS really really fucking good for an early app.

    Memmy is solid and it’s my most used so far, it’s fun to hop between all though now that the instance is a bit more settled tonight.

    I’ve said this a million times it feels like already on the fed, but any app that gets ‘auto mark read’ for scrolling posts, will be my winner. Apollo spoiled me on that for brainless scrolling.