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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 19th, 2023


  • Can you elaborate on the Germany part? I am from Germany and I tried to look this up and found nothing. The main thing I found was:

    Die Rechtslage in Deutschland – Ist Spenden sammeln für private Zwecke erlaubt?

    In Deutschland ist das Crowdfunding für private Zwecke erlaubt. Es gibt keinerlei gesetzliche Einschränkungen – du brauchst dir also keine Gedanken zu machen, ob du zuerst einen Verein gründen musst oder einen Gemeinnützigkeitsnachweis benötigst, um online Spenden zu sammeln.

    From GoFundMe

    So it sounds like you can receive private donations for anything no problem. Obviously it’s taxable but that should be obvious, and true in most places.

  • That’s 5x the recommended max single dose, and 2.5x the recommended max daily dose (obviously depends from person to person and on body weight). I don’t think it would be lethal, but the symptoms would still suck - racing heart, shaking hands, quite often psychological symptoms like anxiety/panic… The worst part of caffeine OD is that it gets metabolized super slowly (half life 1.5-9.5 hours), so after 10 hours you might still experience those symptoms, and there’s simply nothing you can do. Speaking from experience here, although it was less than 1000mg. If this story is true (which it very well might be) I feel for OP.