• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023


  • About to pass out at home watching 2001. Worked 6-days a week, Saturday night was my only time alone, spent Sundays healing up to go hang cable again. No friends or family, alone in Chicagoland.

    Knock on my door. No one can get there unless they’re already in the building. WTF. It’s the Mexican chick from downstairs and her little 19-yo friend I had never met.

    I’ll spare the gruesome details, but apparently they both decided, “Imma FUCK him!” And they did. And each other. It was… something else. And I almost didn’t answer the door.

  • By giving law enforcement a heat map of the area they cover, they could see potential crime hotspots in real time through the predictive crime map (PCM). This allows for better allocation of police officers and for more effective coverage.

    Oh Jesus Christ. As if beat cops need a map. I assure you, after a month or two on the streets, they know exactly where the bad spots are, down to the blocks and homes. Hell, I’ve seen cops on a first name basis with offenders and constant callers.

    Imagine cops asking for this tech, admitting they’re failing at one of the most basic parts of the job. “Really need this chief, we have no idea what’s going on out there!” Or, “This could be an important tool Mr. Mayor. Our street cops are clueless.” If the cops know anything at all, it’s where they’re going to face hassle.

    The recidivism prediction is the evil shit here. Aren’t judges already using such systems when sentencing and calculating parole? Some algo assigns numbers to X,Y and Z factors, pops out a score?

  • “Well this sucks, can’t breathe.”

    Punches hole in roof to get air

    “OK, that works. Come to think of it, that’s how momma did it.”

    The second Jurassic Park book had a neat idea. What if much of the animal behavior we see is taught and not instinctual? The dinosaurs start fouling their poorly made nests and stomping all over their eggs because they didn’t have parents to emulate or teach them. Been thinking on that for over 20 years.