I got banned from r/LateStageImperialism for saying “Holodomor”. I guess I can’t be anti-imperialism and anti-stalin but whatever.
I should also note that I’m an anarchist and a socialist, not a Marxist-Leninist.
I got banned from r/LateStageImperialism for saying “Holodomor”. I guess I can’t be anti-imperialism and anti-stalin but whatever.
I should also note that I’m an anarchist and a socialist, not a Marxist-Leninist.
Ah, so the GPL is toothless. Nothing will happen to you if you completely ignore the GPL!
Feel free to educate yourself on how intellectual property (including copyright, which the GPL needs to function) is bad: https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/kevin-carson-intellectual-property?v=1630324304
The GPL requires copyright, cops, and violence to function. Without copyright, how can the GPL restrict others from copying? Without cops, how can the GPL threaten others with a legal process and summon them to courts? Without violence, how can the GPL have any serious threat against anyone?
The GPL relies on copyright, cops, and violence to maintain its threat against others. Without the threat, the GPL is nothing.
Less than two minutes after OP? samefriend posting
Instead of paying you x crypto for that gadget, I will trade you my NFT for it.
That’s what an NFT is. Doesn’t really do anything with open-source.
There are absolutely Biden lovers and apologists out there out in the real world 😂