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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • We are blessed with a small but gorgeous local library that looks like a Frank Lloyd Wright creation, full of natural light. The stacks are lovingly curated and the computer services are great. Wonderful garden out front, friendly staff inside, and modern equipment that makes checkout a breeze. We can reserve books online or check if they are in, etc.

    Anyway, after school, our kid walks to the end of the block with her friends and goes into the library. From there, we pick her up. That place is jumping in the afternoons, let me tell you. All the local regulars and all the kids just out of school: littles and teenagers. It’s busy and alive but not noisy (nor are they oppressive assholes about keeping silence). It’s a moment of civic joy to walk in there and get my daughter.

  • scarabic@lemmy.worldtoStar Wars Memes@lemmy.worldadmit it
    9 months ago

    Hell, that’s the least I’ve done.

    When I was a kid, me and my friend were obsessed with the movie Tron. Like the makers of that movie, we had no concept of how computers actually work. But we wanted to be inside one! So one night we typed “START: TRON >> ENTER GAME GRID” on the command line of his dad’s PC and the laid our sleeping bags around the PC and went to sleep; hoping we’d wake up inside the computer all dressed in blue…

  • I can’t find any for classical either. Or choral. Damn few bluegrass music videos. I’m a huge Ravi Shankar fan too and you know what? Dude ain’t got a one. The list goes on once you think about it.

    Because music videos are from rather later in the age of television and they are popular with mass appeal music from a decade or so after the golden age of TV onward, especially musical styles that feature a “front” man or woman whose job it is to be the face of the group and deliver their vocals. They were especially popularized by MTV and VH-1 in the 1980s and those networks carried the mass commercial appeal genres of the day: which didn’t include jazz.

    It’s just a particular genre of expression that is actually fairly local in time and not some essential feature one can expect from all music.

  • You are confusing me with someone else. I asked you for a link, you posted BBC. That’s it.

    You understand that news sources report what spokespeople say, and not always with any verification of it, right? It doesn’t matter how many news sources report this commander’s statements, that is not “verification.”

    I’m in neither side of the Israel/ Palestine conflict and understand both sides better than most. I also understand how news works. You guessed it - I was also a reporter.

  • What you have there is BBC quoting an Israeli military commander. Not BBC verifying beheaded infants. Despite the reporter being on site with corpses around (including dead Hamas), they did not witness beheaded infants. In fact beheading is not even mentioned in connection to babies. Just elsewhere in the quotes.

    So yeah, this heavy.com post is a loosey-goosey hype piece.

    This is also obviously a horrible attack and indiscriminate with regard to families. I don’t doubt it. I also don’t doubt that any Israeli authority will play it up to the absolute maximum effect, including fabrications.

    There was a lot of this around the music festival too. Reported rapes happening amid piles of dead bodies. Really? And who exactly was around long enough to witness that who then got out alive?

    Fog of war is a thing. We can’t believe much with 100% confidence right now. Except that Hamas attacked Israel, as they exist to do and have promised repeatedly to do. And that Israel will play for international sympathy to cover the militaristic slaughter of civilians they are about to perpetrate. The military commander literally said as much:

    “ … there is a right side and all the world needs to be behind us.”

    Plainly a partisan source playing the media for maximum effect and saying it out loud. I’d be very careful about swallowing anything that might be a horror story designed to dehumanize one side. Like so, from the same article.

    They are very aggressive, like animals."

    Animals. Subhumans. But, a short time later, this:

    I’m sure we fight for our values and culture… we will be very aggressive and very strong but we keep our moral values. We are Israeli, we are Jewish."

    So both sides are “aggressive,” but one side are animals while the other are moral. Yyyyyyyep.

  • It’s a race war. Hurting your enemy’s ability to reproduce counts.

    Actually birthrate is an ongoing war between Palestinians, Israeli Arabs, and Israeli Jews. Israeli families have a lot of kids (at least compared to average Americans) but not nearly enough to keep up with the Arabs. And there are a lot of Arabs inside Israel and of course in the territories. All you have to do is play the demographics out a few decades and Jews will find their majority threatened. This is why they bend over backward to get Jews to move there from around the world. Israel is proud of being a “democracy” but it’s more important to them to remain a Jewish-controlled state. It will be hard to be both when Jews are not a majority any longer.

    Making life miserable for Jews so that they will leave or choose not to bring children into the world is a deliberate tactic by the other side to win this long term war of attrition.

    Personally I think that’s the whole point of this attack. Palestinians cannot overpower Israel but they can prevent Israelis from ever living a normal life. Israelis live in a pressure cooker of stress and security measures even on a good day. Traffic is awful because they can’t build light rail - it would become a bombing target. No one is more security conscious than Israelis and even they are completely shocked by what has happened here. Think you can have a fun life with music festivals? Think again, says Hamas.

    People might wonder what the Palestinians can possibly hope to gain with this kind of awful terrorism. But they are essentially already living in hell. They don’t care how the west perceives them either, because they’ve long since stopped hoping for anyone on the outside to help them.

    I remember years ago saying to my Arab relatives “but aren’t they concerned that the world will turn against them for doing stuff like suicide bombings?” They had a good laugh at me.

    No, they are in hell and they want Israelis to join them. They are outbreeding the Israelis and persistently undermining their ability to live a normal life. A lot of Israelis are quite pessimistic about the future of their country. When I planned a trip there, my Israeli friend said “oh good! See it before it’s gone!”

  • Yep, well, I guess we can celebrate this change then, because it won’t affect us, but it will make that free lunch a little harder to get. Though from these comments it doesn’t sound like much harder. I don’t know why YT can’t solve this by fully baking the ad content into the streams. There are even some community driven products out there that amass ad start/end times so that sponsor plugs can be skipped. But YT could make even that toothless with a little randomization.

  • WhatsApp is also addressed in that video.

    It’s great in countries where it is so dominant that it is everyone’s default. (That’s not everywhere except America, BTW)

    Anywhere it’s not 80%+ dominant already, you are stuck trying to convince everyone and their grandma to switch their message app and that just doesn’t work.

    Plus… more Facebook on my phone? No thanks. I’m not saying any other company is an angel but Facebook is known to be the devil.