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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • Unless a company is an employee-owned socialist-style worker’s collective, employees generally have no say in that decision. A company can be every bit as evil as their owners want to be. Just look at Google or Facebook or Twitter.

    And the problem in America is that for anyone making less than six figures (and many making below seven or even eight figures), their ability to protest any decision made by their employer is heavily constrained by a combination of the employer’s ability to fire them at a moment’s notice and the medical insurance that is tied to their job. Thanks to these two pincer-like forces, employee’s free choices in America are heavily constrained in the interests of capitalism and the Parasite Class.

    And even if the “owners” want to be less evil, they themselves are often constrained by their investors, who force them to either toe the line or hurt all of their employees with unemployment and likely destitution and extreme hardship.

    Because why bring needless suffering to those (the employees) who cannot do anything to avoid it, when they desperately need their jobs to survive in this capitalistic hellhole? Why punish the innocent employees who are just wanting to successfully put one financial foot in front of the other?

    As any sort of CEO, your decisions should be for the financial well-being of your employees, first, which means knuckling under to the political demands of your current investor overlords. After all, if your decisions just put your entire workforce out of work because your investors pulled all of their money, your decision was a horrible one.

    Granted, investors with odious ideologies should have been avoided from the start, but hindsight is always 20/20. Sometimes stuff like that isn’t just a known unknown, but even a complete unknown unknown.

    And once you have an uncontrollably influential investor, your only choice might be to protect the economic welfare of your employees over an ideological stance that could easily make many of them homeless or even dead.

  • Or, they back him and acknowledge that they supported genocide but have since realised how wrong they were?

    And then they all lose their jobs when the investor(s) pulls out. Did you not read the comment you were replying to?

    If it’s a choice between one person losing their job and everyone losing their jobs, you are either rationally pragmatic to just one person or you are ideologically scorched-earth to everyone else.

    I mean, if you are someone in a manglement position who has to pull that particular trigger you could also resign in protest, but at least that only torpedos your own career, and not the jobs of dozens of other people who work alongside you.

  • Companies have also become so adverse - and I would even characterize it as hostile - to investing any effort into employees that they want to have any new hire to “hit the ground running”.

    Ergo, they interview over and over again, using wildly diverse testing methods and querying for every possible needed skill, and getting tied up in analysis paralysis in their attempt to find the “perfect candidate”.

    With the very predictable result of all the good candidates withdrawing for other opportunities - because the smart companies don’t conduct torture via incessant interviews, they jump to provide offers once basic thresholds have been met - leaving only the mediocre and substandard applicants.

    This is why you hear certain companies lament the low quality of applicants, or descend clear down to “bUt No-OnE wAnTs To WoRk!!1!” when their toxic interview methods chase everyone away.

  • rekabis@programming.devtoPolitical Humor@lemmy.mlGet out and vote!
    7 months ago

    As a Canadian looking from the outside in, it really does seem to be trending in that direction… any further Republican wins will mean the end of democracy, with America sliding into a ChristoFascist Autocracy.

    I fear for my American neighbours, but we have similar problems up here; we just happen to be a decade or so behind you folk.

  • Remember: all published scientific reports are exceptionally conservative by design.

    As we have seen time and time again, what is projected to happen invariably impacts much worse than predicted, or occurs much sooner than predicted. And frequently both at the same time.

    Every few years, the prior “worst case scenarios” get re-applied as our “best-case scenarios” moving forward. As in, the evidence that rolls in keeps exceeding our most pessimistic prior predictions for that evidence.

    We are accelerating past +1.5℃ of warming, which is generated from 1990s CO2 levels (warming trails CO2 by about two decades). This means that +2℃ is pretty much baked into the pie, even if all Petro sources planet-wide get shut down tomorrow and we go total cold turkey.

    Under “business as usual” projections - which we have not deviated from one single iota - we are looking at +5℃ warming at absolute minimum.

    What does a +5℃ world look like? It’s one where the agriculture to feed more than 1-2 billion on a totally vegan diet is impossible due to chaotic weather, and persistently lethal wet bulb temperatures make almost a third of the planet - where 4.2 billion people currently live - impossible for permanent habitation even with modern first-world consumer and commercial AC.

    And guess what? Just like a hurled cinder block, climate change has inertia. prior warming events have always corrected themselves because they took hundreds of centuries to play out, allowing entire ecosystems to quite literally migrate and adapt. But we are seeing 100,000 years of climate change within a single century. This can impart an inertial vector that could easily bring temperatures into a Venus Scenario range with or even without our continued presence. At that point, it’s bye-bye all life, and not just us.

    Those climate scientists that work with population demographers and climate-aware economists are already making some very conservative predictions of a 40% collapse of the human race by 2050 due to worldwide famines and cascading infrastructure collapses, and an 80-95% collapse of the population by 2070. Their middle of the road projections are much, much worse.

    Suffice it to say, we have a non-trivial probability of going extinct this century. My apologies to anyone younger than 40. The latter half of your life is gonna suck donkey’s balls something bad.

  • This is the current state of American healthcare.

    Canadian conservatives have been taking notes for years, and have begun the privatization of our single-payer healthcare, with Ontario and Alberta leading the charge.

    I fully expect this dystopian nightmare to hit our country within the next decade if the Federal government doesn’t take healthcare out of the province’s hands and make it a public utility or crown corporation that legally cannot be sold off or dismantled.