Do you wash your hair before getting a haircut? Out of respect for the professional, always clean yourself before they have to get up close and personal.
Do you wash your hair before getting a haircut? Out of respect for the professional, always clean yourself before they have to get up close and personal.
You could grow tomatos or something, just the same. They have all the same requirements and will handle inexperience a little better. I’m trying my hand at a hydroponics tower with tomatos, might grow some hemp later if I don’t royally screw this batch up
This goes really hard
You don’t need to apologize for an accident, man! Do you and comment as much as you want, it’s a free website. Don’t let this pickle person tell you what you can or can’t do
That makes it better
Haha, I grew up on the Gameboy Advanced, so pretty close! But most of my gaming happens with a good old mouse and keyboard.
I wish I could but man, I can’t even get used to a Xbox style controller for gaming, much less a different keyboard layout. More power to ya tho. I may not understand it, but the boards y’all pump out are novel.
You guys really hate traditional typing methods, eh?
How… how long did that take to print??
Oh, bother
It sounds like an ergo board isn’t the tool for the job then
Many people are forgetting the simplest answer here. Just use a full size keyboard. They are abundant and cheap. They come with ALL THE KEYS and don’t make you layer shift in order to efficiently achieve what you need to do.
Big surprise! Call the press!