Thoughts intrusive, ass protrusive, trans inclusive

Things people have claimed I work for, on the payroll, or are some kind of propaganda agent.

Russian bot: 11

Chinese Communist Party: 6

Central Intelligence Agency: 11

Democrat Party/DNC: 6

Republican Party: 6

Bernie Bro: 9

  • 5 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • Queue@lemmy.blahaj.zonetoScience Memes@mander.xyztrapped!
    2 months ago

    Hard sci-fi is when writers take time to understand current science and understanding how things would work, and then apply it to the future. Arthur C. Clarke is the default example of hard sci-fi.

    Basically, “hard” sci-fi uses real world science to figure out how something would work in a future setting. And hard sci-fi really tries to figure out if something is practical outside of a set piece. “Soft” sci-fi is more about social problems of the real world and beyond, like Star Trek. But there isn’t an exact formal definition for where hard starts and soft begins, and vice versa.

    And I think 95% of scifi fans would agree that neither is better or worse, it just fits the story as its needed. Personally I love hard scifi as a concept, but my favorite scifi stories are all soft, like Star Trek.

  • They are one and the same. If you knew where to look, they provided means.

    Tools are agnostic to their use. Tools do not have a preference how they are used. Hammers that are used are agnostic to if they are hammering a nail into a wall or caving in a skull. Yuzu would work exactly the same if you dumped your own carts. Same for emulators for Genesis and Atari 2600 and PlayStation.

    What’s wrong with Twitter? You could also just google this and find the information yourself, don’t know why I have to provide what should be common knowledge on this subject.

    If you make a claim, you need to provide the evidence. That’s how these things work. You say a claim, you give us the proof. And I can say on Twitter “Yuzu was 100000% legal and Nintendo actually is the real illegal operation”. Now that’s a valid source too, right?

    They were not a legal emulator, full stop, sorry.

    Sorry but that biggest technology legal experts and defenders of the little guys who get sued by the big companies you polish the boots with your tongue strongly prove you wrong.

  •"Cancel Culture"
    3 months ago
    • Attend Churches where pastors and preachers proselytize about anything “Sinful”
    • Call themselves Christian proudly
    • Wears crosses
    • Says its forbidden by God to do something that the Bible says is bad
    • Uses the words of Saint Paul to expand on those words

    Damn that sounds like they are Christian, but you know, I guess they’re “not true Christians” because they happen to do everything on Saturday instead of Sunday, or don’t wash the feet of the poor, or something else that caused a schism 200 years ago.

  •"Cancel Culture"
    3 months ago

    Yeah they’re just the loudest and proudest people who wear crosses around their neck and only vote for other people who are loud and proud of their Christian love wanting to ban anything remotely “sinful.” Everyone knows that Christians are the most oppressed in the West! Truly no one knows how hard it is to be a follower of the majority belief, and never need to defend it from the state.

    Also here’s a brief list of things Christians tried to cancel in the United States: Comic books, rock and roll, jazz, dungeons and dragons, magic the gathering, radio, television, other forms of Christianity, anything remotely queer, Italians, Irish, Chinese, Jews, abolitionists, civil rights marchers, feminists…

    And here’s the entire list of times Christians were oppressed by laws pushed by non-Christian groups/state actors in the United States and the West in general:

  • And yet they refuse to update the infrastructure it uses, it uses such an old version of Electron that things that Google solved years ago are still issues on Discord, especially for Linux users.

    I understand we’re about 4% of the user market, but why do Linux users not get to have audio with screensharing? macOS isn’t gaming focused at all, but has support for it. You have to essentially trick discord to get support for it on Linux.

  • Large scale wise, Doctors without Borders, World Health Organization, and the organizations that help fight for/track sex trafficked people to liberate them.

    And within the US (I’m sure there’s others, I’m a yank so my understanding of how things in Germany/Canada/China/South Africa go is often poor) there’s the Electric Frontier Foundation, Meals on Wheels, Planned Parenthood, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and a lot more that help most citizens and biological beings get the right to, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness that isn’t actually given by any government.

    Also Child’s Play and Make a Wish Foundation are pretty good for sick children to get some levity in a harsh childhood. I usually chip in some online donations/sale credits to Child’s Play and EFF so that they have entertainment when stuck in a hospital, and more digital rights for when they get out of it.

  • Queue@lemmy.blahaj.zonetoMemes@lemmy.mlAre we the baddies?
    3 months ago

    Even if it was, using media to explain ideas of politics isn’t new nor is it bad. Like how is using Star Trek or Star Wars or any other piece of media that the public is familiar with on a cultural level inherently a “Gotcha!” to an argument/debate?

    “Hey this book that was taught in classrooms has some parallels to current events.” “Wow, you’re using your understandings of the world around you to make commentary? Weirdo.”

  • Queue@lemmy.blahaj.zonetoMemes@lemmy.mlNo thanks China!
    3 months ago

    Advocacy groups, including the American Civil Liberties Union, have called the bill “censorship plain and simple,” arguing that “jeopardizing access to the platform jeopardizes access to free expression.”

    At 27 years old, Florida Democratic Rep. Maxwell Frost is the youngest member of Congress, and he opposes the bill.

    “I think that it is a violation of people’s First Amendment rights,” he said. “TikTok is a place for people to express ideas. I have many small businesses in my district and content creators in my district, and I think it’s going to drastically impact them too.”

    The fact that Republicans started it is enough for me to be at least suspicious of why its even being considered.

    EDIT: Also lol at “strong first amendment rights” when redneck states ban any books with queer or black characters. And lmao at “Strong first amendment rights” when people get fired for talking about forming a union, let alone even trying to make one.

  • Queue@lemmy.blahaj.zonetoMemes@lemmy.mlNo thanks China!
    3 months ago

    My main reason is I’m an American, China (probably) can’t do shit to me. But here I’m subject to so much shit America can do legally and illegally, with zero repercussions.

    If China fucked me in particular over, odds are it would at least spark debate here. If America spied on my messages and stopped me from protesting something, that’s just a Tuesday afternoon here.

    The only reason why Congress wants to ban it, is due to pressure from news agencies and the government, because TikTok can’t be controlled by the CIA. You can’t manufacture consent of the people if the content comes from someone else you don’t control.

    They’ll ban tiktok but won’t punish overly aggressive police.

    They’ll ban tiktok but won’t make food or rent affordable.

    They’ll ban tiktok but won’t denounce Israel’s bullshit.

    They’ll ban tiktok but won’t cancel student loans.

    They’ll ban tiktok but won’t take Covid seriously.