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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • Thanks for your input! To me the three I listed feel very similar to what I had with Boost/Sync, probably because they were inspired by them in their main aspects. Admittedly though for me it’s just some tweaks and I’m happily scrolling away whereas B/S offer a litany of settings to customize every aspect of your browsing and posting experience which is very attractive, especially for more heavy users.

    Nice to hear about your positive interactions with the dev. That sounds awesome and certainly is a good argument for supporting him in particular but also other developers delivering quality software be it open source or not.

  • Is the share menu on newer Android version still such a mess?

    I’m on version 9 and every time the share menu opens it seems to pick a new random way to sort the available apps, no ‘most used’ or anything. And then there’s this direct messenger/chat feature popping up above all the other apps suddenly as you’re already about to tap which is truly horrifying.