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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Vista was FULL of security issues though. I did PC support in that era and I kept going to one house in particular because they would pick up some crazy virus / Spyware from thier kid visiting sketchy porn sites. Didn’t matter what I did or how I locked it down, or what AV I installed he would manage to get it reinfected. After the 8th time or so I just made them buy a XP license and told them they need to have a hard talk with thier kid about all the sites he was visiting. Once I had XP installed and appropriate AV, it stopped being an issue.

    Edit: Whoops, nevermind it was Windows ME. Carry on with your Vista love (though I’m still not sure why you loved it)

  • Not constructive dude. Roblox is a bit of a cesspool, so completely understandable he wouldn’t want his kids to play. I remeber one of my kids watching what is normally a wholesome youtube streamer playing roblox and someone else came on and was like “I’m gonna show you my penis”. Roblox streams banned then an there. And you know what, my kids were slightly upset but since they were equally shocked as well after our convo they understood why. We had a talk about why roblox is different than minecraft in that respect and that was it. I still allow my kids to play “violent and bloody” games if they like because they are able to focus past that aspect. If they couldn’t, it might be a different conversation. And it would be just thst, a conversation not an ultimatum.