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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • It’s an interesting point but I think it kind of confuses two different but related concepts. From the perspective of the library author a vulnerability is a vulnerability and needs to be fixed. From the perspective of the library consumer a vulnerability may or may not be an issue depending on a lot of factors. In some ways severity exists in the wrong place, as it’s really the consumer that needs to decide the severity not the library.

    A CVE without a severity score I think is fine. Including the list of CWEs that a particular CVE is composed of I think is useful as well. But CVE should not include a severity score because there really isn’t a single severity but a range of severities depending on specific usage. At best the severity score of a CVE represents a worst case scenario not even an average case, nevermind the case for a specific project.

  • Yeah, our security team once flagged our app for having a SQL injection vulnerability in one of our dependencies. We told them we weren’t going to do anything about it. They got really mad and set up a meeting with one of the executives apparently planning to publicly chew us out.

    We get there, they give the explanation about major security vulnerability that we’re ignoring, etc. After they said their bit we asked them how they had come to the conclusion we had a SQL injection. Explanation was about what you’d expect, they scanned our dependencies and one of the libraries had a security advisory. We then explained that there were two problems with their findings. First, we don’t use SQL anywhere in our app, so there’s no conceivable way we could have a SQL injection vulnerability. Second our app didn’t have a database or data storage of any kind, we only made RESTful web requests, so even if there was some kind of injection vulnerability (which there wasn’t) it would still be sanitized by the services we were calling. That was the last time they even bothered arguing with us when we told them we were ignoring one of their findings.

  • Not sure how to say this without sounding like a bit of an asshole, but why should we care? What does Theia do better than VS Code? For some relevant context I don’t consider VS Code to be a good IDE, but it’s not a bad editor. I use it when I need to crack open some random file (typically markdown or JSON) with maybe a bit of syntax highlighting, but I would never use it for programming.

    Article was a bit light on who the intended audience is for Theia. VS Code’s big selling points are that it’s super fast to open and has a robust extension ecosystem, is Theia going to provide the same, and how are they planning to convince current VS Code users to switch?

  • All of what you mention is possible. Which is why I’m wondering if I need android studio to learn? Or can I use something simpler for now?

    So, lets unpack what exactly you mean by learn in this context. There are multiple layers of skills necessary in order to program an Android app.

    At the base layer, you’ve got conceptual skills like Object Oriented Programming (OOP). There are a variety of languages that are classified as OOP, Java/Kotlin happen to be among the more popular ones at the moment. But all OOP languages will have certain design principles in common and understanding those will allow you to not only structure your own code well, but also to understand why certain APIs are designed the way they are. You don’t even need a computer to learn these skills, although having one to play around with will certainly help.

    Next up from that you have the actual language. Kotlin and/or Java in the case of Android. Technically you don’t need an IDE to learn the intricacies of these languages, although it will probably help mostly in regard to your interactions with the standard libraries. What an IDE will give you is the ability to quickly navigate to class, method, and property declarations, both in your own code and in libraries. It will also provide you with auto-completion of all of the above, so you can explore library APIs in a more organic way by taking an instance of some class and simply scrolling through what methods and properties it has available. That said, if you have a web browser open you can technically accomplish the same thing by just keeping the language reference open, so this is really more of just a time saver.

    Finally there’s the Android APIs. These are distinct from the standard library of Kotlin/Java and are going to be the most opaque portion of the learning process. Due to the size and complexity of these APIs, you really do want to be using an IDE here. You can write an Android app without one, but it’s going to be much harder and far more error prone.

    Tutorials I find seem to want you to use AS.

    That’s because Android Studio is the official IDE that google has endorsed for Android development, much like XCode is the IDE that Apple has endorsed (and developed) for iOS (and OS X) development. Unlike in the case of iOS/OS X you don’t technically need to use Android Studio, it’s entirely possible to cobble together your own set of scripts and tools to accomplish the same thing, but once again you’re going to have a much smoother time if you use Android Studio. While the actual code can be written in almost anything, Android Studio is going to provide you tools to do things like UI design, easy access to launch your code in an emulator (or connected device), as well as a very easy to use debugger, plus the benefits I mentioned previously for exploring and understanding the Android APIs.

    Does it do anything special?

    Basically all the stuff I mentioned previously. The ability to very easily navigate to class and method declarations or instances of interfaces is invaluable when understanding and designing your apps, and being able to easily breakpoint and step through your code is absolutely critical for fixing bugs.

    Overall I’d say take a layered approach. First make sure your OOP fundamentals are good, for that you can work with anything you happen to be comfortable with. Next learn Kotlin. Once again you can use anything you want for this, although it would be a good idea to at least use something like IntelliJ community edition or Android Studio. I recommend not writing an Android app for this, instead make something simple that just prints to the CLI like a hello world type app, although hopefully with a little more going on.

    Only once you’re comfortable with the above, then I’d explore making an Android app, and I would also recommend using Android Studio to do so. Once you’ve got a good understanding of OOP and Kotlin then a lot of what Android Studio provides will start to make sense.

  • Your issue seems to be less to do with electron or JS than it is to do with IDEs in general. Everything you said you dislike is an IDE, the ones you said are less confusing aren’t IDEs they’re text editors (some with extra macro buttons, but still not actual IDEs).

    I’m confused what exactly you’re having issues with in IDEs? Part of what separates an IDE from a simple text editor is that it provides much more information to help you understand and modify complicated code bases. Perhaps your issue is that you’re simply not dealing with anything complicated enough to actually need the power of an IDE. Another possibility is that you don’t really understand the languages or systems you’re dealing with so you become confused about the extra info the IDE is providing you. Information overload, particularly as a beginner can be a very real problem as modern IDEs can be a little like drinking from a fire hose. They are by their nature information dense.

    finding a high contrast theme so at least you can mostly see where one visual area stops and the next one begins

    I don’t intend this to be rude, but do you perhaps have some kind of visual impairment? Could adjusting your display to use a higher UI scaling help? Maybe bump up the default font sizes? Have you tested to see if you have some kind of colorblindness? Many IDEs will have themes or options to help with these cases.

  • It also massively helps with productivity

    Absolutely! Types are as much about providing the programmer with information as they are the compiler. A well typed and designed API conveys so much useful information. It’s why it’s mildly infuriating when I see functions that look like something from C where you’ll see like:

    pub fn draw_circle(x: i8, y: i8, red: u8, green, u8, blue: u8, r: u8) -> bool {

    rather than a better strongly typed version like:

    type Point = Vec2<i8>;
    type Color = Vec3<u8>;
    type Radius = NonZero<u8>;
    pub fn draw_circle(point: Point, color: Color, r: Radius) -> Result<()> {

    Similarly I think the ability to use an any or dynamic escape hatch is quite useful, even if it should be used very sparingly.

    I disagree with this, I don’t think those are ever necessary assuming a powerful enough type system. Function arguments should always have a defined type, even if it’s using dynamic dispatch. If you just want to not have to specify the type on a local, let bindings where you don’t explicitly define the type are fine, but even in that case it still has a type, you’re just letting the compiler derive it for you (and if it can’t it will error).

  • Hmm, sort of, although that situation is a little different and nowhere near as bad. Rusts type system and feature flags mean that most libraries actually supported both tokio and async-std, you just needed to compile them with the appropriate feature flag. Even more worked with both libraries out of the box because they only needed the minimal functionality that Future provided. The only reason that it was even an issue is that Future didn’t provide a few mechanisms that might be necessary depending on what you’re doing. E.G. there’s no mechanism to fork/join in Future, that has to be provided by the implementation.

    async-std still technically exists, it’s just that most of the most popular libraries and frameworks happened to have picked tokio as their default (or only) async implementation, so if you’re just going by the most downloaded async libraries, tokio ends up over represented there. Longer term I expect that chunks of tokio will get pulled in and made part of the std library like Future is to the point where you’ll be able to swap tokio for async-std without needing a feature flag, but that’s likely going to need some more design work to do that cleanly.

    In the case of D, it was literally the case that if you used one of the standard libraries, you couldn’t import the other one or your build would fail, and it didn’t have the feature flag capabilities like Rust has to let authors paper over that difference. It really did cause a hard split in D’s library ecosystem, and the only fix was getting the two teams responsible for the standard libraries to sit down and agree to merge their libraries.

  • I’ll look into OPAM, it sounds interesting.

    I disagree that combining build and package management is a mistake, although I also agree that it would be ideal for a build/package management system to be able to manage other dependencies.

    A big chunk of the problem is how libraries are handled, particularly shared libraries. Nix sidesteps the problem by using a complex system of symlinks to avoid DLL hell, but I’m sure a big part of why the Windows work is still ongoing is because Windows doesn’t resemble a Linux/Unix system in the way that OS X and (obviously) Linux do. Its approach to library management is entirely different because once again there was no standard for how to handle that in C/C++ and so each OS came up with their own solution.

    On Unix (and by extension Linux, and then later OS X), it was via special system include and lib folders in canonical locations. On Windows it was via dumping everything into C:\Windows (and a lovely mess that has made [made somehow even worse by mingw/Cygwin then layering in Linux style conventions that are only followed by mingw/Cygwin built binaries]). Into this mix you have the various compilers and linkers that all either expect the given OSes conventions to be followed, or else define their own OS independent conventions. The problem is of course now we have a second layer of divergence with languages that follow different conventions struggling to work together. This isn’t even a purely Rust problem, other languages also struggle with this. Generally most languages that interop with C/C++ in any fashion do so by just expecting C/C++ libraries to be installed in the canonical locations for that OS, as that’s the closest thing to an agreed upon convention in the C/C++ world, and this is in fact what Rust does as well.

    In an ideal world, there would be an actual agreed upon C/C++ repository that all the C/C++ devs used and uploaded their various libraries to, with an API that build tools could use to download those libraries like Rust does with crates.io. If that was the case it would be fairly trivial to add support to cargo or any other build tool to fetch C/C++ dependencies and link them into projects. Because that doesn’t exist, instead there are various ad-hoc repositories where mostly users and occasionally project members upload their libraries, but it’s a crap-shoot as to whether any given library will exist on any given repository. Even Nix only has a tiny subset of all the C/C++ libraries on it.

  • So, it’s C#?

    No, that’s what Java would look like today if designed by a giant evil megacorp… or was that J++. Eh, same difference. /s

    This did make me laugh though. Anyone else remember that brief period in the mid-90s when MS released Visual J++ aka Alpha C#? Of course then Sun sued them into the ground and they ended up abandoning that for a little while until they were ready to release the rebranded version in 2000.