I went to find Warframe info on Reddit yesterday and couldn’t due to the lockdown (obviously). I just swapped my search criteria elsewhere and ended up in the Warframe forums with the answer I needed. People need to come to the realization that Reddit won’t be around forever and you need to also be able to find information in other places as well, it’s a good skill to have in life.
I respect your opinion, however as someone who likes Valk, and often mains her, I wouldn’t want her removed.
I think most Warframes have a place in the game honestly. Maybe my pick would be Excalibur since we have Styanax now but I’m sure there’s some Excalibur lovers around. Also, on the topic of Excalibur, would that mean I ALSO would remove Excalibur Umbra and Excalibur Prime, or just excal prime? Because If not then we also have umbra as a backup.