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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I dunno. For someone just starting to want to think critically during discussions of when reading things, asking them to get serious in the academic pursuit of logic and argument theory might not be the way. For one, it’s probably just asking for them to get stalled in the sort of dunning kruger zone of identifying fallacies and stopping there.

    Especially when such behavior is already endemic to the internet and many platforms have feedback loops designed to reward this behavior. Just dunk on 'em and move on - watch the upvotes and retweets roll in.

    I definitely don’t want discourage OP from learning anything, but I do want to be careful in what direction we point a beginner.

    I think maybe learning to find good sources of information and verify claims might be a better first step. That doesn’t give OP any shortcuts I’m discussions, which is good. Then they may begin to notice different patterns or forms of discussion and at that point they can start to classify them and learn about them if they see fit.

  • Agreed. OP should be working on critical thinking skills in general and not specifically focusing on logical fallacies.

    Logical fallacies and argumentation theory in general certainly have their place. But unless you’re taking part in a debate club or otherwise getting really really deep into these topics, they may do you more harm than good in thinking critically and having productive discussions.

    The reddit (and, previously, slashdot) obsession with logical fallacies has been almost entirely as a way to prevent critical thinking and end discussion rather than promoting either.

  • Lmao yep that’s me. Couldn’t be that I just feel weird about copying around threads where people share pictures of their buttholes, ask for help escaping from abusive partners, or seek support on embracing their genders and sexualities without the permission of the original author. Reddit is more than just memes, video game tips, in-depth analyses on a variety of questions by historians and scientists, and celebrities advertising their newest ventures under the guise of AMAs. And therefore commensurate thought should be put into it before saying “yes this is all my information to do whatever I want with.”

    On a separate note, I stopped using Twitter in 2018 partially because I was tired of every single conversation jumping right to “Russian bot” accusations. Didn’t matter what your opinion was, if someone disagreed with it, you were a Russian bot sent to sew chaos and division. I’ve been happily on the fediverse since then and sincerely hope I’m not now in for a wave of seeing “are you employed by or otherwise affiliated with reddit or meta you have to answer or this is entrapment” bs.

  • Honestly it upsets me enough when I see people or bots mirroring new Reddit posts to fedi without the original author’s permission. A full archive - whether in the form of a torrent or a fedi instance - also makes me feel icky.

    I know it’s not possible and it’s entirely against reddit’s interests, but I wish there were a way for subreddits or people or posts to be marked somehow as not for copying or use elsewhere.

    It has always weirded me out when I found /r/relationships posts copy-pasted to like BuzzFeed knock-off sites. Then yesterday I saw and blocked a Lemmy bot mirroring like a dozen reddit subs (including gonewild) to its instance.

    It may be fine, good, and useful to archive like how-to content or technical support questions and stuff like that as there is a clear utility there. But seeing the more personal stuff that people might not want to see copied around or searchable makes me feel bad.

    Yes, yes I know it’s the internet and these people should know better and if they really want to opt out they should submit a request to the wayback machine and set a robotstxt plus there’s no way to stop it and we really really need all of this valuable information preserved for historical purposes and as we all know information wants to be free and you can’t stop the signal. And all the myriad excuses that the less well behaved digital preservationists will lean on.

    But at some point and in a lot of circumstances you’re copying people’s personal information and using it in ways they didn’t intend on when they posted it. I don’t know your personal opinion on the reports of reddit admins undeleting posts people have been deleting before they delete their accounts, but people who are upset about that should consider that “preserving” reddit data also takes away peoples’ agency over their data and their right to be forgotten in much the same way.

  • You should have received two quests at Lookout Landing (which I’m assuming you’ve been to and that is the one tower you’ve unlocked so far - of not, go to Lookout Landing).

    One is granted by Purah and notes 4 Regional Phenomena for you to go investigate. Talking to other folks around Lookout Landing will gently nudge you toward one of the specific phenomena.

    The other is granted, if I remember correctly, by Josha and involves investigating a nearby chasm to get a picture of a statue. This quest is classified as a side adventure and not a main quest, but you’ll still want to do it sooner or later.

  • The story quests should be pointing you in a couple of different directions by now. You should be equipped enough to follow either of those at this point.

    The overland route specifically will net you plenty of shrines along the way to continue pumping up your hearts - there are a few caves too and those are always full of surprises.

    Just be smart about what fights you take on along the way. Two things about fights in this game:

    1. It’s okay to run. If you encounter anything you aren’t prepared to fight, just run. Typically you can get away on foot (or horse if you have one). If it comes down to it, warping away is also fine.
    2. Especially in the early game, fights are trial and error. And you aren’t going to find the loot you’re looking for without taking on fights. You’re probably going to die a few times, and that’s okay.

    The game doesn’t punish you for dying, unless you’re overly sensitive to loading screens. Try different strategies, get a feel for the advanced combat mechanics. You’ll probably end up at a few different combat training shrines if you’re following the early game quests and that’ll help you out if you’re unfamiliar with some of the more advanced techniques.