
Refugee from the great Reddit crisis of 2023

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Checking sources twice is something you should do from a news agency that is actually reputable. As in it trades on being honest and accurate.

    You’re not obliged to read everything from an outlet that has no track record of honesty and integrity simply because you’ve been beaten around the head with the internet ‘logical fallacy’ meme one too many times.

    Thinking that everything you read on the internet should be worth your time to fact check is the ultimate logical fallacy.

  • Can you find any recent analysis that supports your claim that nuclear costs are at the same level as solar?

    The only one I’ve seen suggest this was from a nuclear industry lobby group, and it inflated the costs or solar by insane amounts.

    In Australia this is a bit of a hot topic and all impartial estimates suggest that nuclear will not get close to renewables in any way, even taking into account storage and grid costs.

    In the 10 years since this single reactor was built, one of our states has transitioned to almost 100% renewables. Wholesale costs have plummeted, but renewable projects are still profitable in the market. I was involved in a reactor project in a western nation some time ago (it’s still being completed unsurprisingly), and the lock-in wholesale price to support that project was simply extortionate. Solar generation prices are a whole magnitude smaller.

  • This is why you don’t substitute social media for primary sources if you want to learn anything.

    Ships and planes ARE NOT the biggest CO2 emitters. Random big corporations ARE NOT the biggest CO2 emitters.

    Transport (I.e driving your car) and energy (I.e. running the AC) are the biggest CO2 polluters by far, with over 50% of emissions from those 2 sectors.

    Everyone can make a difference very easily by driving less and using less power…with the happy side effect of sticking it to the corporations you say are the biggest polluters.

    Because - no surprise - the biggest corporate polluters are almost all oil and energy companies.

  • There’s a few things at play with noise, and unfortunately there’s no easy answer to your issue.

    Easiest and best bang-for-buck: seal your windows up tight. If there’s little gaps for vents, the window doesn’t close tight, or things like that, they will leak noise.

    Most effective: replace windows with solid frames or insulation packed extrusions, double glazing using laminated glass, and make the inside pane a soundstop type of glass. Make sure any opening windows have seals.

    The curtains probably help with some very high pitched sounds, and there may also be a placebo effect at play, but they’re going to do bugger all I’m afraid. Noise is just vibrating mass, and it’s harder to transmit vibrations through dense mass. So yes, a curtain is better than nothing, but relative to your glass and walls it’s closer to air.

    If noise is an issue for sleeping, the very best thing to do before shelling out loads of money on snake oil curtains is to try a few different ear plugs.