milk_thief [it/its]

  • 26 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2024


  • no, I definitely get that. Your hate for academia is defs seen and shared. I would treat the phd as a three year working holiday. I finish medical transition (which anglosaKKK$$on world mostly does better than my hitlerite shit fuck of an excuse of a country), settle romantically and write myself bloody while sending out feelers for actual work, meanwhile I try to see where I can build my life. I have little family and not many old acquaintances worth keeping. I dont want to hear how dumb jokes about not having israel colors at board games is antisemitic, Barney. That said, I see little reason I couldnt do it at this job either.

  • also, there’s a sweet spot of being someone who has lots of experiences across a range of sectors, and no employer looks down on NGO work, nor do they ask or expect someone to do it for their entire career due to burnout / funding idiosyncrasies. in my experience, leaving a state job or a private for-profit sector role is usually treated as though there’s some specific reason behind it, but leaving an NGO people can just say, “it was time” or something super vague and nobody pushes back.

    didnt properly read that. Good point. Sorry, sleep is shit

  • to have an OK situation and know that you could conceive of walking away from it in a year or so if you found something better is close to perfect, because it means you can periodically look around, day dream, and make calculated/strategic moves towards something without feeling pressured or rushed.

    that is the issue. I am not sure about that. I felt they were dangerously unspecific about that and the reviews are very sceptical about career chances

    also, i would only go for a phd at this point to use it to emigrate out or to dig deeper in and get some federal job. trying to inhabit the academy is fucked, imo. people claim to make it work, but i am deeply suspicious of how fucked their personal lives are at this stage of the managerial/neoliberal university and austerity. or the peace they’ve made with careerism and workplace toxicity.

    I would exclusively use it to make my medieval peasant environment think I am of the gens scholasticus and thus deserve honorifics and money for pushing the same pencils as they do. Federal jobs around me are all pretty evil

  • Thank you. the expectations are low-ish and my employers apparently dont know how to edit videos. The work could be doable in a year at most if I stressed myself, but time limit is for way more. Like this, it will probably be a year and a half. I have to see the contract yet, but the job has conditions to it which make getting out before a set of time tricky. The alternative is trying for a phd to gild my cv (I don’t have many hopes for uni jobs even though people tell me I am good enough to go for it) or journalism school rn, which have also issues of anti-imperialists being hounded from them