• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • Yeah, fair enough. To my mind I guess I don’t think of array indexes as an example of actual zero based numbering, simply a quirk of how pointers work. I don’t see why one starting from zero has anything to do with the other starting from zero. They’re separate things in my head. Interestingly, the article you linked does mention this argument:

    Referencing memory by an address and an offset is represented directly in computer hardware on virtually all computer architectures, so this design detail in C makes compilation easier, at the cost of some human factors. In this context using “zeroth” as an ordinal is not strictly correct, but a widespread habit in this profession.

    That said, I suppose I still use normal one-based numbering because that’s how I’m used to everything else working.

  • Melmi@lemmy.blahaj.zonetoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlOff by one solitude
    9 days ago

    Indexes start from zero because they’re memory offsets, but array[0] is still the first element because it’s an ordinal number, not an offset. It’s literally counting each element of the array. It lines up with the cardinality—you wouldn’t say ['A', 'B', 'C'] has two elements, despite array[2] being the last element.

  • Just because you can work with one monitor doesn’t mean multiple monitors isn’t more comfortable though. You can have multiple windows open at once, at full size, and glance between them freely. No need for them to share the limited real estate of a single monitor.

    I run Sway on my laptop because it lets me take full advantage of my single monitor, but on my multi monitor desktop setup I use a regular floating DE.

  • A tiefling divine soul sorcerer with the Criminal background. He was born to two pious tiefling clerics of Lathander who saw their fiendish blood as a curse, and prayed to cleanse their unborn child of devilish influence. When he was born a Divine Soul, his parents tried to raise him as their perfect priestess. He had to be a model tiefling, a representative of his entire race as well as Lathander himself. He chafed under the obligation and ran away from home, living on the streets and stealing to get by, all while trying to hide his divine soul powers out of a combination of rejecting them and just trying not to draw attention.

    Slinking around in the shadows eventually led to him wandering into the Mists of Ravenloft, and he found himself in Barovia. He found his way into a party and essentially just acted like the party rogue for a bit until combat came and he got backed into a corner and he suddenly started throwing around guiding bolts.

    I was really looking forward to doing a whole arc with him reclaiming his powers and figuring out what it meant to be himself, but OOC stuff led to me leaving that group before he had a chance to leave his edgy rogue phase :c

  • Melmi@lemmy.blahaj.zonetoLinux@lemmy.mlHow do you say SUSE?
    5 months ago

    Except GNU is a great example of an acronym that is pronounceable. It’s even in the dictionary. The GNU mascot is a gnu, in fact.

    LGBTQIA+ is essentially unpronounceable, thus we treat it as an initialism. Not that that’s a requirement, there are examples like VIP where even though we could pronounce it we pronounce each letter individually.

  • I tend to prefer the latter, but I totally get that feeling where signals seem like they “should” be better. I just find in practice that references are a little easier to work with in some cases.

    You can easily solve the owner dying issue by just using is_instance_valid() before attempting to call anything on the owner reference.

    That said, you can probably simplify your signal code if you connected the bullet killed_enemy signal directly to the player’s on-hit handler. It seems like the weapon on-kill handler is redundant? But I don’t know the details of your implementation, I just know that there’s often ways to simplify chains like this.

    I find that signals are great in some use cases, and less good in other use cases.

  • I turned up the peppers to 5 and… Oh boy. Sociable at 3 is all “friendly” and “positive” and polite—it removes most of the dark stuff—and then Sociable at 5 loops around to… This:

    Oh my goodness, did you just say something not so nice about me, you little cutie patootie? I want you to know that I actually did pretty well in my Navy Seals training, graduating at the top of my class. I’ve been on quite a few secret missions against Al-Quaeda and have taken down over 300 bad guys. I’m pretty good at gorilla warfare and I’m considered one of the best snipers in the whole US armed forces. But don’t worry, you’re just like any other target to me. I may just have to use my special skills to take you down with precision like never before. Do you really think you can get away with talking to me like that online? Think again, you little rascal. I’ve got a whole network of friends all across the country who are helping me track your IP address right this second. So get ready for a little storm headed your way. You may feel like your life is being wiped out, but don’t worry too much. I can handle over seven hundred ways to take you down, even without any weapons. And I must say, I have some pretty cool toys from the United States Marine Corps that I might just have to use on you. If only you knew what was coming after that little comment you made, maybe you would’ve kept quiet. But hey, too late now. Get ready to be in a world of hurt, my friend. You’re going to be so mad when you realize what you’ve gotten yourself into. So get ready for a little “fury” shower from me. You’re done for, kiddo.

  • I must object to the disrespectful language you used towards me. Allow me to share some pertinent information about my background: I graduated at the top of my class in the Navy Seals, and have been involved in numerous classified operations against Al-Qaeda resulting in over 300 confirmed missions. I am highly skilled in various forms of combat and am recognized as a top sniper within the US armed forces.

    Your remarks are unwarranted and I take them seriously. Rest assured, I am taking appropriate measures to address this situation. My network of contacts spans the nation, and I am currently tracing your IP address.

    It is in your best interest to prepare for the consequences of your actions. I have the capability to neutralize threats in a multitude of ways, utilizing resources from the United States Marine Corps if necessary.

    Perhaps if you had foreseen the repercussions of your remarks, you would have chosen a more prudent course of action. Alas, that is not the case. Be advised that there will be severe repercussions for your behavior.


    Hey there, did you just say something to me? I just wanted to share that I graduated at the top of my class in the Navy Seals and have been involved in some pretty intense missions. No hard feelings, just wanted to make sure we’re on the same page. Let’s keep things friendly and positive, shall we? Thanks for understanding.

  • It’s hard to say given that this is brand new, but tighter integration with Godot is a boon. They’re offering on-demand server access, with instances running Godot for access to the high-level network API. Steam is built around either P2P or dedicated servers, not on-demand cloud servers like this. In theory you might be able to set something like this up with the Steam API, but you’d need a devops team to set up and maintain it. They’re offering API support+cloud from the same company, which if they’re any good is potentially valuable to customers. Even if you just use their code, that’s a head start.

    Looks like they also support P2P, but it seems like their big offering is their server architecture.

    Who knows how well they can deliver on those promises. A more concrete offering is that if you use the Steam API, you’re locked to Steam, while in theory this works wherever Godot works.