• 58 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Had a similar experience, but it was a video of a guy who got run over by a truck, or in more accurate terms…smushed into its radiator. There was not a lot left that could be recognized as a normal human body, but he was still alive and crying for help.

    I’ll also never forget that, fucking traumatizing thing. I believe the Nokia phone camera quality which was usual back then made it even worse, because there were missing details you couldn’t see, only imagine.

  • I see more people in my profession (programming) doing the four-day work week, but we’re still in an extreme minority. Outside of this field, it’s even worse. The liberal and conservative parties are actively pushing against it. Almost every day there’s an article where some rich CEO whines about young people being lazy. Added to that: Our aging population and a general lack of workers paired with aggressive anti-immigration politics - they also don’t help this cause.

    So yeah, more people are doing it (especially in IT), which makes me hopeful. But I still don’t see it getting rolled out in a big fashion anytime soon, unfortunately. Especially because salary levels in Germany are already very low and not everyone can afford the loss of pay switching to a four-day work week.

    I just know I’ll never go back. The amount of energy I gained by just having a day more to myself per week is extraordinary.

  • lichtmetzger@feddit.detoMemes@lemmy.mlGot Promotion
    5 months ago

    This. This is exactly it. I could earn a bit more money working 40 hours, but I decided to do a 4 day work week with only 32 hours and my health has increased drastically.

    What’s funny about this, is that I’m also a coder and I used a lot of my spare time and regained power to learn new tools, frameworks and programming languages outside of work. Ultimately, these will result in higher paid jobs. Can’t do that when you’re constantly tired.

  • lichtmetzger@feddit.detoMemes@lemmy.mlGot Promotion
    5 months ago

    Last year I started working less for even more money. Another company wanted to poach me, so my boss had to make me an offer. Went down to a 32 hour work week with Fridays off while also getting a significant raise, so I stayed at the company. He didn’t like it, but there wasn’t much of a choice because we’re severely understaffed.

    Let’s see if I can do this again this year. Not working less hours (32h is fine), but getting an even better offer.