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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • khepri@lemmy.worldtopolitics @lemmy.world"Deprogramming" the Trump cult
    9 months ago

    No kidding, I don’t know why she feels the need to insert herself in this year’s politics with this super divisive “cult deprogramming” language/narrative. Not that a lot of folks don’t need to step down from the rhetoric of violence and demagoguery that’s a big part of MAGA, they absolutely, do… but seriously, Hillary, you are such an unnecessary bull in the china shop on this right now. Like her or hate her, I think it’s a pretty objective statement that bringing the temperature down and bringing people together just isn’t something her presence and choice of language in this debate is going to accomplish.

  • I’d have to disagree with you on one point, which is that competing sets of facts or evidence do exist in many situations. In a murder trial, for example, the defense team may have evidence that points to innocence, and the prosecution presents evidence that points to guilt. Now weighing one body of evidence against the other, the judge or jury must decide where the line of “beyond a reasonable doubt” or “preponderance of evidence” lies. This is a matter a comparing one set of facts to another set of facts as objectively as possible against known standards and precedents, which, to me, is different than arguing pure opinions (“red is the best color” “no, I like green better”) and also different than inarguable bare facts (“12 people are in this room right now”). Idk, just my 2 cents on it, but to me there can be shades of reasonable debate on differing sets of evidence that aren’t covered by an opinion-fact dichotomy.

  • Shrooms specifically were a weird choice for the headline for sure. But it’s just another variation on “drugs make you stupid and only teetotallers have an accurate perception of the world”. It’s really no less offensive than if they’d gone with “only a woman would believe…” or “you’d have to be a middle-school dropout to believe…”. Like why? Why target some random group and call them out as idiots incapable of seeing what’s right in front of their faces, when it has absolutely 0 to do with the content of the article? You’d have to be on PCP to believe this is a good way to write a headline :D

  • It’s not easy to lose a case by default for failing to comply with discovery. You have to really work hard for the court to basically say “your conduct is so bad that you’ve forfeited your right to continue making a defense”. But due process is still a process, and if you straight up refuse to fulfill your end of the process, and turn down the many chances to comply with discovery that the judge will give you, then this happens. Alex Jones went down for the same thing in his defamation case. These turds all think they can just buck every system or break any norm that suits them, which is why they always go down for the dumbest simplest shit in these cases like perjury, discovery, and witness tampering.

  • Yeah, it’s much more like a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” thing than a trap. Or a “backed yourself in to a corner” you might say, or, “completely fucked yourself and the prosecutor knows it and is going to use it”. But it’s only setting a trap in the sense that any airtight prosecution tactic based on rules and evidence that leaves the defendant no way out could be called a ‘trap’

  • It’s my right to have my personal computer display what I want it to display. It’s my right set my device to reject internet traffic I don’t want to receive. It’s my right to instruct my machine to download the data I want, and refuse to download the data I don’t want. If you make something publicly available online, then the public can consume that or refuse that, in part or in whole, as and when they wish. If a company or a browser wants to try and interfere with that, then they’ve chosen their fate.

  • Yeah, even most of the judges he appointed, who he no doubt hoped would be in his pocket forever, seem to recognize that supporting Trump, the way he’d like to be supported, in an actual legal proceeding, would be weapons-grade stupid for them. Trump has an outside chance at another 4 years, maybe, whereas these judges are on the bench for life in most cases, and most of them get that they’ll have to be able to operate in future administrations rather than burn their careers for this dumbdumb the way he gets his lawyers to do.

  • well looks like this is going to get pretty bad…How is it the responsibility of platforms to take care of your children for you? It’s not school, it’s not daycare, it’s the internet. Does the electric company have some moral or legal obligation to keep your children from jamming a fork in the outlet? Does a public beach need staff on hand to keep children from digging dangerously large sand tunnels that could collapse? Is it up to the water company to provide your child with special means of not flooding your basement? If we need this for some reason, why don’t we need to force manufacturers to create cars that won’t start for under-16’s, windows in high buildings that you have to be 18 to open, or headphones that won’t get too loud unless you enter your date of birth? This is some Footloose-level bullshit and I just do not get it I guess.