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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • A minority group (they are ~4.5% of the population) got almost complete control of the Knesset due to a combination of stupid vote-rounding method, egoistic politicians and a sad state of affairs in our biggest party.

    This small minority is composed of Jew-Nazis, they want to remove any non-Jewish from Israel, be it by them walking or killing them, they regularly go for pogroms in the Palestinians. For the atheistic Jews they plan concentration camps (the exact wording their rabbis signed on!).

    The majority of Israelis are against that, so we currently see an unprecedented demonstrations in Israel.

    Both the army and the economy are dependent on the parts of the population that are against this shit. For example, the high-tech sector is starting to recover in the US and EU (that much as it exists there), in Israel it continues to crash. It came out of IDF, mostly from IAF, that it capabilities are already reduced. For example, Hezbollah settled two tents inside Israel. If they tried that before the current shit-storm, they would have instantly gotten blown up. Instead, Israel asked nicely through political channels that the tents will be removed.

    If the fucktards in the government will pass those laws Israel will implode, I think this implosion can take one of two directions:

    • The minority that took over will be kicked out of power, for example by the majority deciding to restart the legal framework of Israel. Bringing the economy to a stand-still to crash the government, etc
    • Major players in the economy and defense sector will leave Israel leading to it slow collapse. A faster collapse will happen if the nukes will be taken by the USA.

  • Been using it for a few years now, it’s freaking amazing.

    • My laptop died, recovery was: 1. rebuild my system from git 2. load the backup data. Took me about 20 minutes to prepare everything, went on with my day and when I got back to the laptop it was right as I needed it.
    • I need to target different Python version, with packages and everything, on different systems. Using nix I can a git version of a project to a Python environment, and it just works. Same with other languages.
    • Rollbacks are epic for experiments.
    • I can duplicate shared settings between computers, for example, I have a desktop PC and a laptop, both run the same DE, browser, email client, etc, all those goodies are defined from the same file. My server runs no DE, so its configuration file does not load the PC nix file.