Biology, gaming handhelds, meditation and copious amounts of caffeine.

  • 27 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • This title is also misleading, though. By claiming “evolution isn’t linear” and then showing a massive dinosaur leading to a chicken, you’re suggesting the chicken is a downgrade (otherwise, what “linear” would even mean in this context?).

    The chicken is, however, a massive upgrade - for the specific environment it lived in. Well, “proto-chickens”, let’s say. The actual domesticated chicken is the result of artificial selection.

  • kadu@lemmy.worldtoComics@lemmy.mlXXX
    2 months ago

    This answer directs identity to the mind of the observer, which makes sense, but recursively revives several early philosophical paradoxes including the problem of identity itself, the awareness of the self, and the whole “if a tree falls in the woods but no one is nearby to hear it” ordeal.

  • I think it’s totally fine for a company to shut down the servers for a game…

    …as long as they have a public tool to host your own server, free of any restrictions. They can also stop selling the game, but they can’t shut down the distribution for people who already paid for it, unless they straight up host it somewhere public and call it shareware from that point onwards.

    Any other alternative is crazy. Imagine you buy a music vinyl, then 5 years later some Sony executive knocks on your door and says “hey you know we are shutting down, so imma need that disc you’ve bought I’m going to shatter it right now thanks”

  • The idea that LLMs are just like how the brain works, except limited by running in a CPU, comes from software engineers - not neuroscientists.

    Although there are many analogies that could be made between how CPUs do work and how the brain integrates information, they’re actually fundamentally different and use completely different logic.

    You could, theoretically, create a computing language to work using neurons. And therefore you could also train machine learning algorithms. But that’s like using calculators to sum 2+2 by buying 4 calculators and putting them all together, rather than actually using what a calculator does to get the result, if you get what I mean.

  • Huh… I’m not sure. Retro Dodo is got nice enough YouTube videos, but their written content could be summarized as:

    “Reviews” for devices that didn’t come out yet, with extremely generic predictions and very little content.

    “Top games” lists or other low effort retro gaming content, some of which was borderline AI generated given the whole “Super Mario is a classic that all gamers must play, move Mario and jump to excite your day”

    And reviews for actual products that came out, though often suspiciously positive and unaware of issues other reviews had caught.

    Which ultimately is going to get interpreted by Google as low effort content farming, which is indeed how Google should interpret it, as it’s correct.