• 1 Post
Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月23日


  • We don’t have issues with unleashed dogs, or even with people not cleaning up dog crap, it’s just too much dog pee causes dead grass.

    So it’s not directed at members for the states of their lawns (they are maintained by a common landscape company) it’s directed at people who have dogs who urinate - which is all of them.

    It seems like all the retired people in the neighborhood have a excellent reason to be on the board but with a full time job and a kid I just don’t have the time to put towards good faith governance of the neighborhood. Maybe that’s the idea though - to get on the board and reduce their scope to paying the lawn care guys and collecting dues to pay the lawn care guys.

  • A complicating factor: I would say ~50% of the houses are rented and only the homeowners have a say in HOA matters. So, assuming any owners without dogs (including the whole board) and any landlord would logically vote to ban all use of the grass, while all dog-owning homeowners would vote to allow dogs near the grass.

    Obviously that’s generalizing what the votes would be - even though the majority of the houses have dogs, I would say the minority are homeowners with dogs.

    The reason I bring this up is a petition-style response may be dismissed as “well those dog owners have no say as they are not homeowners”

  • Most of the freak out I have seen I interpret as: “license says we can’t use it while competing with you but that has no real definition”

    To me, it seems like an acceptable license, especially since development is happening on GitHub and they take PRs. Also the feature in the license where it reverts back to MPL after 4y is a nice security against the company doing anything else crazy restrictive - as you can plan on falling back to that version as a nuclear option.

  • Ceph is excellent as a distributed storage solution - but should really have 4 machines with 2 or more drives each to reach a good level of redundancy - which is a bit much for most people on this sub.

    One nice feature is it deals with heterogeneous drives well, like if you need to buy a bunch of used ones on eBay for cheap.

    Probably not a good solution for your case because of the footprint - but good to be aware of it.