Sounds like an easy bread pudding :)
Sounds like an easy bread pudding :)
The common name comes from the Romans, who ate them as a delicacy.
First paragraph.
I think the better solution is to simply set up a filter for the word “Unsubscribe”.
My process:
If only sex was as simple as a selection of gametes. There is a wide range of chromosomal, hormonal, genitalia, and physiological variation in human sex characteristics, and it is much more common than you think. And that is ignoring much more subtle variation and overlap between the sexes - cognitive, emotional, psychological - that are just as much a part of the natural variation of human sex as any other.
And before you come back with an argument about some rhetoric about “conditions” or what ever - all of evolution starts as a rare variation that becomes common in a certain population. Certain eye colors are nearly the same rarity.
Finally, there are plenty of animals that have individuals that do not reproduce. Examples are naked mole rats. We aren’t a eusocial species, but it isn’t to say we don’t have some very early characteristics of it.
The “free speech absolutist” at it again!
Money. Donate. There isn’t a near term world where money won’t matter in giving you a voice, so you should use it.
No, most of us are broke because we insist on ensuring that suburban mcmansions are the only places to really live. When you spend 30% on driving and 40% on housing, suddenly you are broke.
I mean, you can say the same about every form of entertainment. Music? Majority is crap. Movies? Crap. Sports? Crap. Books? Crap. Video games? Crap.
IMO guaranteed child welfare (including universal lunch) is 100% consistent with any major political idealogy that is internally consistent.
Libertarianism? The whole basis is the personal choice, autonomy, and the ethics of consent. Children fundamentally cannot consent. They still, however, individual agents. They simply are in a state where social order defines their outcome. As society, we must then take this to maximize their outcomes and ultimately their personal liberty - when they reach an age where they can operate with it.
Therefore, we have to choose between depriving others of a relatively small resource, or depriving children of a major resource: the nature of their ability to participate with full autonomy and personal liberty.
The choice, in my opinion, is very clear.
It still doesn’t really make much sense in a world where the vast majority of things are replicated. The only things that would give them worth are things that cannot be replicated:
Oh fuck off dude.
There are plenty of studies displaying improved cardiovascular health in those who drink 1-4 cups of coffee a day.. Generally, cardiovascular risks of caffeine from coffee are not important for the average person’s health decisions.
Also tea has caffeine as well (technically dark chocolate too, but less than tea so not really a concern).
And again, the solution to sleep issues are to not have caffeine (tea, coffee, or otherwise) more than a few hours after you wake up.
Withdrawal symptoms are not a major concern - they are temporary at best.
Edit: there are plenty of sources of polyphenols - but frankly the average American does not get nearly enough generally. If you have a typical American diet, I would not recommend quitting coffee as a health measure unless you have already drastically increased consumption of polyphenols generally.
Coffee also is high in polyphenols - the benefits almost certainly outweigh the drawbacks. Just don’t drink coffee after the morning.
If you mean “point and click” level of proficiency, sure.
Meh, maybe 10% of a single generation at most know how to use computers. Technically savvy millenials vastly overestimate how technically savvy other millenials are.
*It is definitely not too late to mitigate a ton of suffering. *
I’ve said it elsewhere: environmental nihilism is deeply unethical. There is a ton we can do to minimize damage and restore the environment.
Homes have increased their size by 300%+ since 1950 and the cost per square foot has remained relatively constant. We simply don’t build enough smaller homes - they only exist on fringe and in urban centers where there the property costs increase the overall cost.
Edit: Also our overreliance on cars has only skyrocketed. More cars per household, more miles driven. When you are required to spend 20-30% of your income on a vehicle, homeownership gets harder.
Phone apps are absolutely not a substitute for eink screens. The reading experience is worlds apart. Support an alternative company like Kobo.
Was learning about the requirements it be a baker in Germany - something like 3 years of school to work at a bakery, 6 years to own one. Crazy.