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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023

  • greenskye@lemm.eetoScience Memes@mander.xyzEconomics
    7 days ago

    But there aren’t ‘new’ graphing calculators being required and they don’t get worn out that easily. There’s a relatively stable amount of people who need one at any given time, so honestly I’d have expected the second hand market to have crashed the market more than it has. There should honestly be multiple times over more graphing calculators in circulation than there is a need for them.

  • greenskye@lemm.eetoScience Memes@mander.xyzPSI
    8 days ago

    This is scary new information for me that puts a childhood incident in a much more horrifying context. I was at pet store when I was like 10 and one of the parrots seemed friendly so I let it climb up to my shoulder, only for it to painfully bite my ear. It hurt a lot, but no blood was drawn. I managed to get free easily enough. I thought that was pretty bad, but now I’m learning that apparently it could’ve easily ripped off my ear?!? Apparently I’m a lot luckier and that parrot was actually a lot nicer than I thought.

  • greenskye@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlGet rich quick
    17 days ago

    I mostly agree, with the caveat that 99% of AI usage today just stupid gimmicks and very few people or companies are actually using what LLMs offer effectively.

    It kind of feels like when schools got sold those Smart Whiteboards that were supposed to revolutionize teaching in the classroom, only to realize the issue wasn’t the tech, but the fact that the teachers all refused to learn and adapt and let the things gather dust.

    I think modern LLMs should be used almost exclusively as an assistive tool to help empower a human worker further, but everyone seems to want an AI that you can just tell ‘do the thing’ and have it spit out a finalized output. We are very far from that stage in my opinion, and as you stated LLM tech is unlikely to get us there without some sort of major paradigm shift.

  • greenskye@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlAnd I'll vote for him again
    3 months ago

    For like 99% of people arguing that ‘voting is useless’ they are also not working towards any other method of improving society. Either by working towards unions, or effective means of protest or even violent revolution. They’re just opting out and doing nothing of value while feeling smug about being ‘above’ such petty squabbles.

    If you are the 1% actually doing something of value that isn’t voting. Congrats, I guess? But I think I’m far more likely to convince someone to vote, which is at least somewhat helpful than I am to convince them to join a revolution.

  • Agreed. It’s comical how he’s seemingly able to rapidly build stuff that requires experience in multiple high end fields and then he even surrounds himself with his own tech and is not buried under maintenance hell for it all.

    My alternative head canon is that he’s actually only good at building AIs and Jarvis and Friday are the ones who actually make all of his crazy ideas work.

  • greenskye@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlWhich pill do you choose?
    6 months ago

    Red pill effectively kills your current spouse and kids if you have any. Also trying to re-engineer the relationship with your original spouse all over again seems like it’d be really creepy. If you go back, you effectively need to find someone else. Couldn’t do that.

  • greenskye@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlWhich pill do you choose?
    6 months ago

    Same, though honestly with my bad memory, I’m not sure I’d do all that much better with the red pill. Itd be hard for me to put together enough seed money to make a decent return, and I don’t remember specific dates well enough that I think I could convince my parents about it.

  • greenskye@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlReligious parents
    9 months ago

    I really don’t understand how people who are reasonably devout followers of different religions ever end up together. Almost all of them make it against the rules or at least extremely problematic. Why would you marry someone that your religion says is going to hell because they don’t believe what you do? And if you do it anyway, why would you stay in that religion? Makes no sense.

  • Also people seem to completely ignore the amount of re-learning I’d need to do to switch. I’m not really a power user of Windows, but part of the reason it runs pretty smoothly for me is that I have a decade plus of knowledge of common failure points. You sort of get an intuition about things after awhile that I don’t have on a different OS. Little issues the might result in a couple of days of troubleshooting are just solved immediately because I have hunches on what the issue is.

    Meanwhile I’m struggling on my steamdeck to deal with minor problems because I’m very unfamiliar with the setup. It’s not insurmountable, but it’s a barrier to entry that I’m not willing to undertake just yet.