I have eclectic interests

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • @ersanmartin I set up my account here during the shutdown protests because I was an Apollo user and before then Reddit was just getting worse. There isn’t anything there that I need and I didn’t feel like sticking around while f u/spez trashed the place so he can cash out and buy his island. On the one hand, I’m not anti-corporate per se but he can monetize someone else. Looking forward, I’m still figuring out Kbin and the fediverse but it feels very refreshing and new. As someone said, its like when the internet was new and great that there are communities that are being established from the ground up and people will, over time, be attracted to that.

  • @TrinityTek I feel very confident that it is not the mods that took your post down. Like I mentioned my post was taken down by Reddit admin, not the mods. The head mod at LGO has been checking out Lemmy and Kbin as potential alternatives. He is concerned about the lack of mod tools here because they get trolls from everywhere. You can check on the LGO wiki for their approach, but the mods feel like they are fucked once the third party apps end. Recommend you DM him on Reddit. Also, understanding mod tools is beyond my technical capability but the way we can help ourselves is to put the tools in place that will give the LGO mods confidence that we’re a viable alternative. They recognize that gun related subreddits are not in Spez’s plans and there is a community being served that vitally needs help.

  • @TrinityTek Hi - its not the mods at r/liberalgunowners who removed your post. I’ve been in touch with the mod there and when I made a similar post about Kbin last week it was removed by the Reddit admins, not the sub mods. They wanted to let me know it wasn’t them. Spez has been doing all sorts of shit like that, Its one big reason why I’m done with Spezzit. Post in the m/liberalgunowners magazine here on Kbin-social.