I coalesce the vapors of human experience into a viable and meaningful comprehension.…

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Cool headline, but ultimately just another call to have people throw their votes to a third-party candidate in protest …which could just lead to Trump’s victory, which the article itself acknowledges would be the worst possible outcome.

    In 2024, Claudia de La Cruz and Karina Garcia are running a socialist campaign for president and vice president of the United States. In the leadup to November and beyond, we must fight the misleadership of both the Republicans and Democrats and build a movement that not only identifies the problems that Black America faces, but proposes real solutions.

    The time to fight the Democratic leadership is unfortunately past, and the only way forward to being able to win going forward is to vote for Harris. Voting for Trump (or casting a third-party candidate, essentially the same thing) is guaranteed to make things much worse.

  • Maybe some sort of “military broadcast” or other hints about a military base of some sort? They should know that others may try and clean it out before they get there which introduces a ticking clock element. Maybe the message includes a warning that if the security system doesn’t get disabled the base will self destruct in X many hours?

    Then when they show up, they encounter enemies (zombie mob/other survivors) and have to work together to defeat them. When they succeed, they get the things they need (food, weapons, a defendable base)

  • geekwithsoul@lemm.eetorpg@ttrpg.networkD&D is anti-medieval (2016)
    13 days ago

    Interesting take. I look at it as less “anti-medieval” and more anti-government. Gygax was a libertarian and it grew out of wargaming. Gygax just wanted a world where he could fight dragons and didn’t bother to do the world building of an economic or political system. I think this was more out of disinterest in the topics rather than as a political stance.

  • I had a Reddit account I opened in July 2009 that was fairly active and I deleted all my posts and comments when I left - mainly because I felt I couldn’t trust the company that ran it to be good stewards of the content and decided they weren’t entitled to it. All the stuff that’s happened in the last year has just reinforced that conclusion.

    Reddit makes money off the content everyone contributes (as well as the hard work of so many unpaid folks doing moderation) and that’s not a model I choose to support. Some of the conversations I was involved in had really help information on a number of topics, and while I’m sad that information isn’t still available to others, I think the overall good is better served by not supporting a site so at odds with my beliefs.