Not talking about workforce, talking about paperwork and beurocracy involved with immigration. At the start of invasion workforce could not keep up with amount of immigration form filed by immigrant.
I use immigration as example that our beurocracy in germany unable to handle any large load of work efficiently.
If there are no children, no children will be abused.
big brain time
If it actually did catch that many bad guy… would fuck regional court, complete overload. we have struggle deal with number of ukraine immigrant, now imagine deal with all the fake report because ai just bad?
A lot of tracker and spyware already mention in setup. And without bypass you cannot setup without microsoft account.
Try setup fresh windows 11 system.
Children almost infinite free time, creative mind and bored. They will find what they want to find.
Then tell them to not do X, they gonna put ALL their energy to do X. Cannot stop them, only work with them.
It was found that johannson was lobbied by non-profit funded by ai startup that develop csam detect and groom detect and other bullshit. startup from the us
our politician now get bribed by us company. what the fuck?
Need to be brave, move fast and break thing
Break production database
Company go bankrupt
margin left on car
left for car is where door is
car is clipping through door because negative margin to direction of door
You can edit post to fix picture btw
deleted by creator
Meta has previously said that it is technically unable to distinguish between data from users in the EU/EEA and other countries where people don’t enjoy GDPR protection. Meta has also said that it cannot distinguish between sensitive data under Article 9 GDPR, such as ethnicity, political opinions, religious beliefs (for which the “legitimate interest” argument is not available under the law), and other data for which a “legitimate interest” could theoretically be claimed.
If cannot distinguish, default should to treat all data sensitive. That not in gdpr? If not that huge oversight.
But why install chromium with spyware instead just chromium?
[person speaking english]