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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: February 18th, 2024

  • Nobody represents the people, but that’s not a new problem nor, in anyway, a new thing in this Trump era

    My biggest fear is that the USA always gets to chose someone who does not represent them at all but at least had the notion that we need a planet to live in

    Trump is a man child and will see the world burn out of petty spite. And us, in the rest of the world, would have to still live with those consequences

    So back to the debate and the choice between Biden and Trump… Sure Biden is a terrible option, like chosing to get cancer… But Trump is like chosing to be gang raped, shot and left for dead in an open sewer and here we are pretending the 2 bad options are somehow the same

  • So you just like the new lazy writing. Got it.

    No idea where you are drawing this from

    Because I know you didn’t just draw a straight line from the 1939 Batman to the current Batman and was like ‘these are the same!’

    Oh I see, you lack reading comprehension. To make it extra clear, having a common trait (what I actually said) does not mean “these are the same”

    And this is where we part ways. Cuz this is a threat about opinions I gave mine and you are clearly mad that I don’t like your favorite version of Batman.

    I’m not mad at all… Disagreeing with you does not make me your enemy… You care confusing me with yourself lol

  • Yeah no. I think you’re confused because Batman Begins came out in 2005 which was decades ago.

    I’m talking about Batman the character, you know? The one first published in 1939. There have been multiple versions but “dark and broody” has been a pretty common trait

    If you forgot he’s actually also known as Bruce Wayne and he knows how to smile and have a good time

    No, it’s been well established he cannot get past the trauma of having his parents murdered in front of him. Actually, it has been well established he is now Batman and Bruce is the disguise… So no, he doesn’t really know how to have a good time

    Post Nolan he is has lost a lot of complexity. That complexity of the character offset his serious side when the cowl came on.

    Not really Nolan’s fault and not what you claimed first either. Batfleck for example was not dark and broody, he was just a fumbling idiot who claimed his superpower was money

    Look me dead in the eye and tell me Nolan’s Batman is better than BTAS. Or is even in the same ballpark

    Again moving the goal post … What does BTAS have to do with your comment that Nolan made Batman dark and broody??

  • I always thought project managers were useless until I got a good one. Then I realized the issue was that most I’ve dealt with were as useful as this parrot

    The key of a good PM is to know their job is to ensure you can do yours. My good PM had that internalized and his only goal was to remove obstacles for us… glorious times

    So if I were to say, “I’m playing phone tag with the vendors liaison because all he does is poorly repeat what I ask to others inside the company”, my good PM would get on the phone with the vendor and get a list of contacts so I could skip the crappy middle man

    Another time I said, the network folks don’t agree with the security folks on how to proceed. He would get everyone in the same room and get all ducks in a row, then let me know what the decision was.

    If I said, I’m wasting half my day asking for availability to book meetings, he would ask who I needed to talk to and book everything himself