Progenitor of the Weird Knife Wednesday feature column. Is “column” the right word? Anyway, apparently I also coined the Very Specific Object nomenclature now sporadically used in the 3D printing community. Yeah, that was me. This must be how Cory Doctorow feels all the time these days.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • Note that attaching subsequent operations to generated geometry like this (faces made by pads, etc.) will make the model extremely fragile and making basically any change upstream from that will break it every time.

    This may or may not improve with the upcoming 1.0 release where the topological naming bug is “fixed,” but I’m not counting on it until I see it for myself.

    FYI for anyone else stumbling on this in the future, you cannot at present pad-to-face in more than one direction at a time, i.e. the “symmetrical” option you can use with a normal pad is not present. Also, you can’t pad-to-face onto any surface that is not geometrically flat; curved surfaces or even intersecting with two faces with an angle in between them will not work.

  • I would make the tapered main bucket out of a loft made of two sketches that describe the dimensions of the upper and lower extremities of the shape. This can be hollow; there is no need to put a hole through it with a pocket. The hole and outer walls can be part of your sketch.

    Similarly do not fillet the corners with PartDesign fillets. I mean, you can if you really want to but you can just use Sketch fillets inside your sketches and then FreeCAD won’t incessantly break your fillets (and thus the model) any time you change anything…


    If everything needs to be tapered, honestly I would use lofts for all of the vertical components. Make liberal use of the “carbon copy” sketcher feature to make construction lines out of your two master sketches, and then all the other sketches you make for the dividers, perimeter lip, etc. can automatically tie themselves to any dimension adjustments you make to the bin itself.

    Example .FCStd file: here.

    Edit: It occurs to me that you could also make the tapered tray body by making a solid loft with no hole in it and then using the Thickness tool on the resulting It solid. This would be mechanically simpler, but would result in not having sketch geometry of either the inner or outer wall (depending on which side you tell the thickness to be on) which might hamper future additions/modifications.

  • I’ve just been using FreeCAD anyway, topo naming be damned. It hasn’t really screwed me on any of my projects once I figured it out, and I reckon that once they have that fixed it’ll just be a nice bonus. The only bugbear is that in its current state FreeCAD really wants you to design parts “its way,” whereupon if you don’t it’ll bite you in the ass later into your project. Some trial and error on my part was involved.

    The things that’ll get you are attaching sketches to faces or parts of your object, and if you reconfigure your object(s) to the point that new edges are created or removed it’ll break your fillets and chamfers. There may be other caveats for people using other workbenches or doing more advanced design than I’m doing, but I have no insight into that.

    For the former issue I just… don’t do that. I’ve never found a real compelling reason to attach a sketch to the geometry of another object versus just placing it separately, and for the latter you just have to do all your fillets and chamfers last, or not at all. Instead, I tend to work them into my sketches and the base geometries of my objects anyway, which is more flexible and in some cases easier (and in some cases not).

    I don’t think anything significant is going to change between the current release and the next one in that regard. All your old workflows will still work, it’s not like they’re going to take any capabilities away from you.

  • Random nerd trivia about the PS2, specifically the console itself:

    The PS2 was released at the dawn of the DVD era, and was hugely desirable not only for being the next generation of Sony’s even then mega-popular Playstation series, but also because it was for a time the cheapest way to get a DVD player in your living room. Yes, a brand new PS2 at launch was cheaper than a first generation DVD player. And also had the added side effect of, you know, being able to play video games. Sony was absolutely adamant that the PS2 should be a component of your home theater and hi-fi system and envisioned it being a complete media center experience that was also internet connected, but this did not come to complete fruition until the Playstation 3. The original revision of the PS2 didn’t even include network functionality, and to get it you had to buy a separate add-on adapter which plugged into a dock on the back. Outside of online multiplayer games (including some MMO’s), not a whole heck of a lot ultimately wound up supporting the PS2’s network capabilities.

    Even so, the PS2 can natively play DVD video disks, something that neither the Gamecube nor original XBox could do out of the gate. (The Gamecube couldn’t play DVD video disks at all, at least without modern modification, and the XBox required the separate “DVD Movie Kit.”) The PS2 did have a DVD kit as well, which consisted of a special receiver that plugged into a memory card slot and a remote that looked like it belonged to a home theater component. Even so, you could still play back DVD’s and control the playback using a standard game controller and an on screen menu.

    The PS2’s DVD playback functionality won it a huge amount of early sales, but ironically also (much later) enabled unlimited homebrew and game piracy on the platform. How? Well, it turns out the PS2 can execute code off of a memory card, and this mechanism was used officially by Sony to apply an in-memory patch to the DVD playback software to support the remote. Enterprising nerds figured out that, in fact, the PS2 will load any suitably compiled and signed code off of a specially formatted memory card at bootup, thereby allowing the owner to make it run anything they wanted… For instance, a homebrew app launcher, or pirated game loader. The culmination of this is the FreeMCBoot loader and its associated software suite, and the homebrew HDLoader program which can load game disk images off of a hard drive (!) installed along with the Sony PS2 network adapter, on original “phat” PS2 models. (The later “slim” model did not have the bay for a hard drive and came with an Ethernet jack built in; It, however, can load games from USB or over a network instead with the right homebrew software.)

    The PS2’s standard controllers actually have pressure sensitive face buttons. The system can, if your game feels like it, judge not only that you’ve pressed a button but also how hard you pressed it. Not a lot of people knew this, or at least not a lot of people who didn’t play Metal Gear Solid.

    Back in the day, there was a lot of school playground bickering over whether or not you were “allowed” to operate the PS2 in a vertical orientation, with it standing on its edge. Some people said it would damage the console or your disks, others said it was downright required to keep the DVD drive lens in alignment. What few people seemed to notice at the time was that the “PS” logo on the drive tray is designed so you can rotate it 90 degrees, so it’ll be right side up regardless of whether or not your console is laying flat or is standing on its edge. The system also has rubber feet both on the bottom and on the left hand edge. Sony obviously intended for people to be able to use it standing up right from the start.

    The Playstation 2 came with a pair of USB ports on the back, which never seemed to amount to much official use. Well, you can plug a normal USB mouse and keyboard into those, and they will actually work with select games. The PS2 version of Half Life, notably, supported mouse and keyboard control just like its PC counterpart.

    The “towers” that appear on the console’s boot screen are not generated at random; they’re actually based off of how many different titles you have launched, and their height is based off of how many times you’ve launched each title.

    The flowing circle of dots displayed on the boot menu are actually a very cryptic clock, and their layout is determined by the current system time. The radial arrangement of cylinders in the background when you go to the System Configuration menu is also another clock, with the cylinders filling up as time elapses. There are 12 of them, and each one represents an hour. Obviously the PS2 had a built in real time clock and Sony was apparently very proud of this fact.

    The Playstation 2 was, in fact, the best selling video game console of all time. at 158-some-odd million units sold it beats all of the classics you can think of, including the original NES (~49 million), Atari 2600 (~30 million), and even the Wii (~101 million). Nothing, not even Sony’s later consoles, has managed to surpass it. Not even if we include handhelds: The Nintendo DS in its various guises is the only system that comes close, with ~154 million units sold across its three (!) major design revisions. The Playstation 2 was not actually officially discontinued by Sony until 2013.

  • Almost all connectors in use on computers at the time USB was introduced were already keyed, and a fat lot of good it did us. Ask anyone who tried fumbling around behind a three ton CRT monitor or computer case – even with the keyed connectors, feeling for which side was up, getting anything plugged in without eyes on it was already nigh on impossible.

    What the USB A connector did do which was new at the time was introduce a connector that did not have any protruding pins on either the male or female end, and thus theoretically at least could not be damaged by fucking up the insertion. Unlike any of the then-common D-Sub connectors (VGA, serial, parallel) or DIN (PS/2 mouse and keyboard, Apple serial, S-Video, etc.). USB didn’t even have the little clip to breal off like an RJ-45 Ethernet or RJ-11 phone line connector.

  • dual_sport_dork@lemmy.worldtointernet funeral@lemmy.worldAshes to Ashes
    1 year ago

    It’s also missing the panel showing the same number of people on motorcycles, which have all the same multi-destination advantages of cars while being able to fit 2x to 3x more of them and their riders in the same space.

    This is even more relevant in “developed” countries where most of the cars only have a single occupant anyway.

  • This is my impression as well. Part of this problem is surely an operator error issue, combined with the inherent way these self balancing machines work. Sure, warnings and limiters can be added in software but this can never actually supersede the laws of physics. Where there’s a will to fuck up, someone will find it. And also, like, wear a fuckin’ helmet.

    So, if you ride your Onewheel to the absolute top end of its motor’s maximum speed such that it has no reserve power left with which to balance you, well, you can potentially eat shit. But, try flying down a big hill on a regular bicycle and needing to come to a stop, so you grab both brake levers as hard as you can. Guess what happens if you do that? So, where’s my recall on every single bicycle ever manufactured in the world, ever, due to the “design flaw” of having to obey physics? (Yes, I am aware fancypants mountain bikes with hydraulic brakes can now be had with ABS, if you feel like paying for it. This, perhaps, serves even more to drive home my point that no one has seen fit to recall or ban the bikes that don’t have this feature, despite it now existing.)

    Part of this maybe a flaw in the product design, but another part of it is our perspective of the “acceptable” risks inherent in a particular design shifting dramatically over time, in inconsistent ways.

  • It’s DoorDash with one less step. Wal Mart will hire a rando for you, and send them to your house with a shopping bag full of Wal Mart crap.

    I would give it a miss, personally. If not for all the usual reasons, then certainly for this one: There is a package forwarding place right next door to my office building, so they’ve got parcel deliveries arriving all day and all night from everyone you can think of. USPS, UPS, FedEx, Amazon, DHL, etc., etc. And Wal Mart. The Wal Mart drivers are perpetually trying to deliver the stuff for the place next door to my business instead, apparently because their app apparently does not give the driver an address. It just shows a pin on a map. So if the location of the pin is ambiguous like, say, the parking lot of an office building with multiple businesses and addresses in it, they have no way to handle that and don’t have any idea what to do. Ours is the first door they see, so they come in here. And then they expect us to figure out for them where the hell their package is supposed to go, which is not for us.

    So order your stuff from Wal Mart and it will wind up wherever their system put that pin. That could be at your house, next door, on a random porch a block away, in the middle of a field, in a ditch on the side of the interstate, or possibly a nondescript patch of ocean in the Atlantic off the coast of Africa.

  • I suspect that’s a hedge against getting sued for one reason or another. The disclaimer always seems to be designed to absolve the manufacturer if you, e.g., follow the GPS until you drive into a lake.

    But! The one on my boss’ Tacoma he just bought dismisses itself after the vehicle has been in motion about 5 seconds, though. I think that rather defeats the purpose. (What it dismisses to in this case is a nag screen begging you to subscribe to the navigation “service,” which he has not done. That sort of thing really makes me want to see about where to buy a cruise missile.)

  • We would not see it until (if) it hit us.

    Observation cannot travel faster than the speed of light. No matter what it is you’re using to observe: Photons (light and radiation), measuring gravity, heat, anything. No matter if the phenomenon’s expansion were traveling at the speed of light, the changes to the universe being made as well as our ability to observe them are also traveling at the speed of light.

    If the phenomenon were very far away, we would not be able to observe anything it was causing until its leading edge caught up to us. Then we would be destroyed at exactly the same time. This is because in your example it is expanding at exactly the same rate as the universal speed-of-light constraint allows us to receive any indication of its presence. Any evidence of, e.g. a far away star being destroyed would take X amount of time to reach us by its light no longer arriving. However, in that time the edge of the space-destroying phenomenon will also hit us, because it will also take exactly X amount of time to reach us, at the speed of light, from the point where the star was when it was destroyed. The distance is the same, the speed is the same. We would continue to receive light from that star in the meantime, as we already do. (The light from the stars you see in the sky now is already tens/hundreds/thousands/millions/etc. years old depending on the distance to the star in question.)

    If the phenomenon were so far away that it is outside of our observable field of the universe, it will never reach us and we will never have any indication of its presence. That’s what “observable universe” means. Anything can happen anywhere outside of the observable universe and it is objectively meaningless to us, because we will never ever be able to reach it, record it, have it influence us in any way. This is, however, predicated on the theory of the perpetually expanding universe being true (which it probably is).

    If you want to actually see the stars in your sky winking out over the millennia, I suggest building your universal destruction bomb such that its shockwave travels at, say, half the speed of light or some other suitable fraction.