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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • It’s a good philosophy but that’s just it. Crypto should’ve remained closeto it’s philosophical roots.

    The government legalizing manipulation of crypto by making them “assets” ruined any real implementation by tethering it to the fiat currencies. So crypto is now a moot point sadly that doesn’t retain it’s original anarchist intentions.

    I know a lot about Monero and Ring Token technology. Used it plenty. Doesn’t matter. Still tied to fiat and manipulation by proxy. Even if private. What’s the real issue with this tethering you ask?

    Authoritarian Control

    Governmental overreach being able to examine any of your accounts and almost see a one-to-one with your deposits is a red flag. No, they cant see the amounts on the other end (Monero’s private ledger). But all security is an illusion, especially for the now government backed tech like this. Eventually Ring tech will be broken by AI, ML, Quantum, or many. Plus, the exchange reports your purchases and sells that data too (legally now).

    Even if you use LocalMonero and do it in-person, you have IP Addresses (bc no VPNs usually), messages between seller and buyer, and purchase amounts potentially all under the authority of private entities. Unless you’ve some serious connections.

    All the government has to do is make it illegal to participate in crypto at all and now it becomes dead tech again (for better or worse).

    Thank you for your input though! Not trying to be defeatist or an alarmist. Just a clarification on my opinions of where the hypothetical train went off the rails.

  • Trains all the way, 100%


    Thanks to “cost cutting” policies cargo trains in America are now miles long sometimes with only 1, MAYBE 2, workers. A conductor and an Engineer. But now they are cutting that to just the Conductor dong the Engineer position too. Meaning they have to exhaustively walk for miles if anything breaks down and fix it.

    These mile(s) long trains also disrupt traffic and pedestrians in urban areas when these long trains need to check-in at a station (hence a stopped train). Pedestrians often try to cross in some areas where this is frequent as it blocks their path and have to risk injury/death to cross the still trains.

    Children even have to go under them sometimes to get by (see Figure 4 of source). Many have been injured/killed by accidental incidents like a train jolting forward for a second.

    Another issue is less diverse railway routes because these long trains cannot utilize the sidetracks to get off the main track allowing other trains to get by. This causes a lot of traffic in the train yards and decreases any gains in productivity from being longer.

    The U.S. can and should do better. These railway plans were literally written by a Train Tycoon/CEO who mapped out railway routes in his living room after work. He thought he knew more than the average workers, but he later admitted out of guilt in a talk that he “has blood on his hands” because of these policies he orchestrated.

    More info below for those interested with sources to back these claims up.

    RAIL SAFETY: Freight Trains Are Getting Longer, and Additional Information Is Needed to Assess Their Impact


  • I remember when I got admitted at 20. Two Latino dudes and white, teenage me in the cell.

    One dude had my mat for my bed. He saw that I walked in, looked at me, then got up without a word and put the mat on the bunk for me. I thanked him, introduced ourselves, and talked. Nicest person the whole time there. The jail staff were assholes on a powertrip. This dude ended giving me his “mom’s” number bc I do programming and stuff, which I ended misplacing. He said he was in for them finding a large amount of $ in a… foreign… car. I still wonder to this day how life would be different had I called that number.

    Hope he is doing well.