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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023

  • +1 for moka pots, that’s what I make my usual morning coffee in. It’s really consistent. Though I don’t do the cold water thing, I let it boil through and remove from heat for a few seconds when the gurgling has slowed before pouring. I don’t really struggle with grinding my own coffee,

    It’s up to personal preference. The cold water will stop the boiling early, leaving you with just the stronger stuff that comes out first, so more like espresso. Letting it boil through will have weaker coffee coming out towards the end and the final product is a little more like an americano. Supposedly that’s where the bitterness comes from too, so maybe I just don’t mind the bitterness.

    If you want to get fun with a moka pot, and especially if you like sugar but no cream, a Cuban espresso is really good. Essentially you wait for it to just start boiling over and pour out whatever comes out in the first couple seconds. You want the thick, strong stuff. Then return the moka pot to heat for the rest of it to boil and whip sugar with a spoon into the strong coffee you separated. You’ll get a sugar coffee foam that smells like coffee ice cream, then pour the rest of the moka pot over it. Yum.

  • Lol, are you seriously still peddling the “if you don’t vote for Hillary you’re sexist” bullshit? It was pathetically transparent back in 2016, it’s downright delusional now.

    Couldn’t have anything to do with her being an unapologetic war hawk. Or a Clinton (the last one helped set up our economy to crash in 2008). Or a weak candidate with weak positions pandering to the middle even during the primary instead of pushing left. Or an entitled narcissist who colluded with the DNC leadership to put their thumb on the scale. Or a petulant child who was too busy smearing her primary opponent even after the general was over to take responsibility for the fact that she and her campaign directly gave us Trump by propping him up as a pied piper.

  • doctordevice@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlpoor Dean
    6 months ago

    One Dean Koontz book isn’t a great sample size. He writes a LOT and most of it isn’t very good, but every once in a while he gets it just right and puts out a really good one.

    Though tbf, I haven’t re-read his stuff in probably 10 years so I don’t know if it holds up to modern scrutiny. Odd Thomas was always my favorite of his.

  • Basically scripts you can run on the fly to pull calculated data. You can (mostly) treat them like tables themselves if you create them on the server.

    So if you have repeat requests, you can save the view with maybe some broader parameters and then just SELECT * FROM [View_Schema].[My_View] WHERE [Year] = 2023 or whatever.

    It can really slow things down if your views start calling other views in since they’re not actually tables. If you’ve got a view that you find you want to be calling in a lot of other views, you can try to extract as much of it as you can that isn’t updated live into a calculated table that’s updated by a stored procedure. Then set the stored procedure to run at a frequency that best captures the changes (usually daily). It can make a huge difference in runtime at the cost of storage space.

  • And that’s part of the reason the Israel-Palestine conflict is so contentious. Both peoples are indigenous to the region, having strong ancestral ties to the Canaanite peoples that inhabited the area over many periods of external rule and migrations.

    That the Jewish people were once forced from the area but retained their identity in new lands doesn’t diminish their right to live in their ancestral home. Nor does it give them the right to treat their distant cousins (who also have ancestral claim) the Palestinians the way the state of Israel has.

    I don’t know what the solution is, but many Palestinians and Israelis just want peace, contrary to the rhetoric of their governments.

  • doctordevice@lemm.eetoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlCheckmate
    9 months ago

    Yeah, I’m very confused by this. Why do the users notifying IT have to do the training?

    I’ve worked a help desk before, while after dozens of people sending it in we don’t really need it forwarded anymore, people don’t know that until we get the I’d still rather people forward it than click it. Ignore and delete is best since I guarantee someone will forward it to IT, but forwarding (even forwarding and asking) is never bad and demonstrates good awareness.

  • Yeah, I have no idea how to answer this. I haven’t logged into Reddit once since 3rd party apps shut down, but I will still go in incognito mode via mobile browser when seeking specific information if reddit threads come up on a search. I’d say it’s not a regular basis except I search for a LOT of stuff all the time. But I’m definitely not browsing Reddit anymore.

  • doctordevice@lemm.eetoGaming@lemmy.mlANTI-UNITY STRATEGY
    10 months ago

    This strategy can backfire if your game gets popular enough. If both versions are counted separately and they each pass 1mil downloads and the 12 month revenue threshold then you’re paying the higher per-install fee brackets twice.

    To demonstrate, let’s imagine a game like this has 4 million installs in the first year and uses the Enterprise plan for the best pricing structure.

    Scenario A: single version

    • First 1,000,000 @ $0.00: $0
    • 1,000,001-1,100,000 @ $0.125 : $12,500
    • 1,100,001-1,500,000 @ $0.06 : $24,000
    • 1,500,001-2,000,000 @ $0.02 : $10,000
    • 2,000,001-4,000,000 @ $0.01 : $20,000
    • Total cost: $66,500

    Scenario B: two versions priced separately, 2 mil installs each

    Each one is the first four lines above, so the total cost is $46,500*2 = $93,000

    In either scenario, additional installs beyond these 4 million cost $0.01 each (regardless of which game it’s installed on). There’s a fine line of staying below the annual revenue thresholds (or not too far above) where this strategy does save you money.

  • I have a pipe dream of slowly developing a game of my own, but even if I think I could eventually figure out my own homebrew engine, the whole thing is operating on my free time so that’s even more unrealistic of a goal that’s either gonna lead nowhere or to massive headache down the line.

    So I looked around and liked a few things about Unity:

    • 2D game support
    • Easy publishing to consoles
    • Free to develop in while I test the waters
    • Plethora of training material available

    I’ve sunk a decent amount of time into training materials already, and was starting to feel good about the whole process when this news hit. Not even gonna question it, I’m looking elsewhere. Godot looking mighty tempting to avoid any shenanigans like this. Ultimately if my dream ever realizes I’d like to be able to publish to console, but there are routes available for that with Godot and maybe the options would improve by the time I reach that point.