• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • On the cable, have you considered hot glue?

    I have not, what a marvelous idea! Thanks!

    With regard to Klicky, yup, I can get it to go through the whole QGL/bed mesh/Z-calibration process and get off a print I’d estimate about 50% of the time. It’s mostly just consistency. I can probably increase the tolerances in printer.cfg, but I figure the defaults are what they are for a reason. I had trouble with assembling Klicky due to tolerances of the printed parts, and some of my magnets weren’t perfectly flush. I suspect (hope) this is causing some wobbles in the probe itself.

  • Two different problems. First with y endstop, and not really an issue with the endstop, more the cables. They keep wiggling out of the nook you’re supposed to stuff them into, and that causes them to get pinched when homing. The cable is just thick enough that it prevents the endstop from triggering.

    The other is Klicky, I get wildly different readings to the point where it just gives up because the tolerance was exceeded too many times. I’ve checked for loose screws, belt tension, etc., can’t find anything obvious. I’ve basically given up on Klicky and ordered a Klicky PCB kit, hopefully that will fix it.

    That’s my guess with the 3kg, too. Probably need a holder with bearings. I plan on printing this holder (https://www.printables.com/model/513779-voron-horizontal-filament-spool-holder-w-608-beari) because I need something a little more forward based, I’ll let you know how it goes.

  • multiple toolheads

    Nope, although I think I read that there is such a mod for the Trident, but that’s because it has a fixed gantry. 2.4 is “flying” so I doubt that’s possible

    enclosing it

    I waffle back and forth there. I want to use ABS/ASA, but I have a ton of PLA to use up and I’ve read that doesn’t do so well in an enclosure. At least there are printable clips to help quickly remove the panels

    runout sensors

    There are a few, but the reviews on YouTube I’ve seen made them out to be kind of meh. I’m considering building the Enraged Rabbit Carrot Feeder once I’m up and running and tuned. That’s an MMU that has a dual filament sensor. You may be able to look at what they’re using at the hotend side and adapt it.

    load cell sensors

    For bed leveling? I’ve not seen that anywhere. There are a few similar mods, e.g. Klicky and Tap. The LDO kit I got has the Klicky parts, so I’ll go with that eventually.

    Biggest thing to remember is take your time. I built my MK3s in a weekend, this definitely is not that. I view this as a much longer endeavor and investment that’s better than everything on the market right now. Better than Bambu and the like because it’s open source. Better than Prusa because the MK4 was really just a 5-year old printer with a new paint job and the XL is way out of my price range. Overall, this will be my printer, and once finished I’ll have customized every single thing to my liking.