Thats not how it works at all:
Article 12
Further compensation
The rigth to compensation amounts are the minimum you get. If you think it’s not enough you’re free to sue the company for more and let the judge decide.
Thats not how it works at all:
Article 12
Further compensation
The rigth to compensation amounts are the minimum you get. If you think it’s not enough you’re free to sue the company for more and let the judge decide.
Pine64eu is not an official store.
The waydroid gapps image comes with Google services. I’m trying to install from Google play, but it says my device isn’t compatible. I’ve read that I have to self certify it in order to get Google play protect certification working. Maybe that’s the problem. I’ll try and see what happens.
Not a realistic example at all.
I see it, it’s just not the same argument. The other argument is like this: X costs thousands while Y costs tens. Y is cheaper.
And it’s bullshit that moving furniture or changing a battery should be hand over to professionals. It can be a simple task.
Also I don’t agree that most people wouldn’t change the battery of it was easily replaceable. We’ll see in a few years when most phones would have easily replaceable battery due to the EU law.
Thats absolutely not the same argument. And please tell me where can I change the battery of my phone for 1$?
How is it the same argument? A phone with a replaceable battery isn’t more expensive than one whitouth a replaceable battery.
Ramón y Cajal was awarded the Nobel of medicine and he was a bodybuilder.
You’re technically correct, the best kind of correct.
I have Debian working. When I just installed xfce4 it didn’t work. Some error about not contacting settings server. But I tried installing xfce4 with tasksel (also selected graphic environment) and then had no problem at all. I’ve not tried wit other desktops. Also tried with Ubuntu and it worked just installing xfce4 without using tasksel.
I changed the version to Debian Sid and I’ve had no problems yet. I’ll update if things change.
You can also install a distro using proot-distro and connect to it with vnc.
I’m trying Debian right now and it seems to work fine.
You can also use termux with a graphical interface.
They use a custom encryption protocol and there’s been bugs that look like a backdoor.