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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • i don’t wanna be the one to tell the slaves “hey guys i know forced labour sucks and all but we gotta have more ammo for this random war half-way across the globe so you’ll just have to push through it”

    same for things like EVs. i like things that use batteries a lot, but i’d really have a stronger guarantee that the materials to make it aren’t sourced by slave labour or methods that harm the local ecosystem… i mean a large part of that problem is also that the US has fuck all for recycling laws, i don’t think most lithium is actually recycled anyways. but that’s a different topic

  • current@lemmy.mltoHistoryMemes@lemmy.mlPresidential term defining moment
    4 months ago

    william taft died in a bathtub due to his terrible health, a month after resigning from the supreme court.

    his health had been mentally and physically declining for about a decade before that point, but despite that he insisted on staying as a justice on the supreme court the entire time because he viewed hoover as too progressive and was paranoid he’d be replaced by a dirty commie. so he stayed a supreme court justice and caused a lot of problems by having increasingly worse memory and having a worse and worse ability to actually attend his job.

    he was also the president before ww1 started, he lost re-election because teddy roosevelt (the person who helped get him elected in the first place) no longer viewed him as a suitable president and ran against him as a 3rd party candidate.

    also, taft’s son was the co-sponsor of the taft-hartley act of 1947, which took away many worker’s rights and crippled unions in the united states, criminalizing things like solidarity strikes (what’s happening in sweden with tesla now), wildcat strikes (striking without union leader approval), jurisdictional strikes, and most forms of picketing. ;)

  • They don’t increase in calories, they just have higher energy density. 15 convection dried vegetables will have the same (or less) amount of calories as if they weren’t

    If you freeze 10 stones, they will increase in volume (because water ice expands when it gets colder) and have a lower density. If you then remove all the water from those stones, they will decrease in volume and increase in density, so you can fit more stone in the same area