• 13 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • I don’t know if Google Camera would share the information with Sandboxed Google Play. However, something to be careful of, is if you have two apps by the same developer (Google in this case), and you have network permissions for only one of them. The developer could share those permissions with their other app. TheHatedOne did a podcast episode on this. He checked with a GrapheneOS developer beforehand, and found, that this is possible.

  • Only potential security issues, would be related to a lack of maintenance on a particular project. If an open source tool has not been updated for over a year or more, then it may have security vulnerabilities. I usually won’t use something if it has not been updated for a year or more.

    However, people who make that claim, seem to subscribe to security by obscurity. They may think that the source code being public makes it more likely to be exploited for vulnerabilities. But I would say that is a strength, since many people can verify the security of a project and can have patches applied. In standard proprietary software, a security vulnerability could exist for years, without being patched because no one knows it’s there. It may or may not be exploited within this time.

    It is our responsibility to choose the digital tools we use wisely, and to be mindful of a lack or drop of maintenance on a particularly project.

  • You’re perspective is good, because it’s challenging my own perspective in a constructive way.

    I’m not sure it is useful to label anyone as neurotypical. It’s a point on a scale, a notional best fit, and not a reality. Sure, some people are closer to that point, but I find everyone has their own diversity.

    That might be the black and white thinking coming out. But it may also be the point I’m at. I’m frustrated, because I have a hard time connecting with others, and I’m trying to figure out why that is, and what I can do, to change that.

    That said, some folk, no matter what, just might not have much to say, so don’t be hard on yourself.

    Yeah okay. I have a tendency towards self-criticism.

    Also, what are you really into?

    I like certain niche anime’s, like Serial Experiments Lain, Ergo Proxy, and some not so niche but are interesting conceptually, like Psycho-Pass. I seem to find Japan interesting, despite the cultural issues they appear to have. I like psychology and philosophy, especially around trying to be the best person reasonably possible, and trying to let go, of what one cannot control. To challenge my unhealthy behaviours and thoughts, and guide myself to a more healthy outlook. I also seem to find anything that relates to understanding myself interesting, because I have struggled to understand why I always struggled, when others appeared not to. Even if what I saw of others was just a facade? I care a lot about trying to have a good quality of life, and building meaningful relationships with others. Though, I find the latter very difficult.

    What are you really into?

  • Apologies for the wall of text. I wanted to give a comprehensive answer.

    I tried using a Nokia dumb phone at one point. At another point I used the LightPhone2 as well. I honestly found usability very difficult. The Nokia was arguably more functional. Though it had a web browser (not sure if you are hoping to avoid that). However it was limited to 3G, which slowed things down. Calling was fine, on the Nokia and Lightphone. Texting on the LightPhone and Nokia is a pain. I didn’t like that I had to go through the LightPhone website to upload music I owned to it. Also, it had a very limited amount of storage. I didn’t like that I couldn’t stream music. The Nokia, I had also did not have music streaming functionality. However, it did have a micro SD card slot, which I liked. The camera quality was bad. Also at the time, I needed a way to scan QR codes, which neither phone had the ability to do. Both did not have any GPS functionality (at least at the time), which made me rely on a GPS in my car, which was not great overall. Google maps is a lot better. I hate Google, but use Google maps, as it is what I’m comfortable using.

    Also, I had concerns on the security of these devices. I care a lot about digital privacy and security. The privacy policy of the LightPhone was not something I was comfortable with. Additionallly, I avoid text message, and opt for signal, as text and phone calls are very insecure and are far from private. Also, Google own KaiOS, which is what the Nokia phones use. So privileged admin access is given to Google to collect whatever telemetry that they enforce in the privacy policy of the Nokia dumb phones. I now use GrapheneOS on a Pixel phone.

    What I will say is it is definitely harder to be distracted by your digital devices, when using these phones. I found it very hard to not have a smartphone for the time I tried both of these options. I didn’t have the will to stick it out. I also noticed, my internet addiction moved to my laptop. So it didn’t actually solve the issue. I understand the struggle of internet addiction, and how consuming it can feel at times. You may find a dumb phone is a viable option for you personally. I would suggest exploring other options before the LightPhone, as it is quite expensive, and if you don’t like it, you may feel as if you spent a lot for a phone that feels clunky. The Nokia’s may be an option depending on what you’re hoping to get out of it.

    I see a lot of people on YouTube, finding it has had a positive impact on their lives. At least in terms of distractibility, which appears to be your goal. If you are willing to stick it out, it may work quite well for you. But you will need to make some trade-offs and be willing to stick with it.

    On the note of blocking apps, there may be options that are reliable. Lock me out works quite well on Android. But you have to pay for the full functionality, and it is proprietary software. I use it anyway, because it works very well for me. It is a trade-off I am willing to make. On iPhone, I’m pretty sure you can use the default screen time rules, and get a good friend or family member to set a password for you. It is very difficult to bypass both of these options, if setup correctly.

    Best of luck with your decision, either way. Feel free to ask any additional questions, if you want to know more.