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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023

  • Bahaha fair call mate! The other artist who came to mind was Bryan Adams, who it turns out is Canadian so clearly I’m completely full of shit.

    Logic and reason aside… Idk it just feels like American fluff to me. To be clear, I don’t mean to hate on American culture with that statement. Every culture has its own vapid, meaningless fluff. God knows Australian culture does!

    Regardless of who sang it or wrote it, something about faith of the heart just feels really, really American to me. Obviously Trek has always been an American show, but it has always seemed to make an effort to be more universal than that. I still remember hearing faith of the heart for the first time and it just felt… foreign. Unrelatable.

    And personally I just hate power ballads so that’s my own bias haha. My whole argument is vibes and opinions really, I make zero claim to being correct or even internally consistent on this.

  • Same, if I have a family bag of chips in front of me, I’ll eat the whole bag. If I serve an enormous bowl of pasta, I’ll eat the whole bowl.

    The only way I can not overeat is to not have it in arms reach. So yeah, pour a sensible serve of chips into a bowl and then eat that. Leave some pasta in the pot, or put it straight in the fridge for lunch tomorrow.

    By the time I sit down to eat, the battle is already over, whether I’ve won or lost.

  • I’ve never worked in a kitchen, and I’m sure it’s different than the office jobs I’ve done. But still, it’s important to remember that leadership is not about “telling people what to do” as you described it.

    One of the easiest mistakes to make as a leader is assuming that your job is to always be in charge, to order people round, to maintain an air of authority. Sometimes yes, that’s needed, but in my experience it’s pretty rare.

    Your job as a leader is to set direction, make sure people know what’s expected of them, make sure they have everything they need to do their job, and then stay out of their way. Especially if you’re leading people who are already experienced and know what they’re doing.