• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2023

  • I’m one of those people who reads several books at once, swapping between them depending on my mood and engagement. Currently the great mortality by John Kerry, the salted earth by Jeff Somers, woken furies by Richard Morgan, a journal of the plague year by Daniel Defoe, velocity weapon by Megan O’Keefe, and a couple of others that I may not finish.

  • So completely overlooking the overlying political situation and just thinking about this incident - it’s fuckin horrible.

    I’ve been at a whole lot of techno parties back in the day and just imagining these events triggers a real wince in my soul. Remember being off your head at a really good party with your mates and your partner and then imagine this shit happening. I mean, a fuckin rave is pretty much the opposite of a military target.

    I’m thinking there’s a lot of criticisms to make on both sides of this conflict and a lot of comments here are focusing on that and overlooking the fucking horror of this incident right here.