• 138 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Perhaps the dems should ask themselves why mandatory purchasing of insurance was the pinnacle of their accomplishment in the last 40 years and attempt to examine that.

    It was not. Getting health insurance for an additional 30 million Americans was.

    But sure fully embracing racial taxonomy and spending as much time as possible classifying people based on skin-tone, facial features, phenotypes, skull shape and literally anything besides class might work too.

    Nope. That is just some idiot media pundit nonsense. Not so be taken seriously.

  • The scenes in the isolation chamber in underwear applying gel to each other were totally unnecessary

    I thought so at the time but later realized that was a key scene of the whole entire show. You missed a lot of the nuance. That was where T’pol developed her crush on Trip. Her crush on Trip was the only reason she became the first Vulcan to be able to stay aboard a human ship for longer than a few weeks. And T’pol’s presence on the ship advising Archer was what made Archer so successful in laying the groundwork of the entire federation.

  • [SIPC instead of FDIC insurance - coverage is about the same]

    You left out one detail. Technically if you have $100,000 in Money Fund A it means you hold 100,000 shares that are priced at $1 each. SIPC will protect you from losing your 100,000 shares but cannot protect you if the value of each share falls below $1. This is unlikely to happen, but is legally possible. There were some scares about this happening in 2008.

    If you want to be rock solid safe you could choose a money market fund that is backed 100% by US treasuries, but you would earn less interest.

  • If I understand this correctly:

    In the main Cosmic Inflation universe, new space is created exponentially with time.

    In roughly 1 out of every 30,000 pieces of “new space”, a big bang occurs from a random quantum fluctuation. The big bangs slow down the inflation expansion in a local area that becomes the equivalent of a ‘pocket universe’.

    There was perhaps an infinite number of big bangs (and dead pocket universes) in the past, and there will be an infinite number of big bangs (and new pocket universes) in the future.

  • He didn’t facilitate anything. Muslim Egypt could have allowed all civilians to leave Gaza but they didn’t. Muslim Turkey could have evacuated Palestine’s civilians by sea but they didn’t. Muslim Gazans could have overthrown Hamas but they didn’t. The main victims of Hamas are Muslim Palestinians. Only a fool would live anywhere that is controlled by Hamas.

    And did you not know that there are plenty of Christians and non Arabs in Palestine too? No self respecting human being cares care only about 1 particular religion or 1 particular ethnic group. Do you know how ridiculous it is that Jews and Muslim are fighting each other because they have different imaginary friends? It will keep on happening forever until you rise above religion and value all of humanity.