• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023


  • This is really interesting, thanks for sharing.

    I knew about the girl who died and her mother’s campaign but didn’t realise how central it was to Khan’s push for this. I also didn’t know his personal problems with asthma and pollution, or his additional security needs.

    I’ve seen a lot of these campaigners around. They rolled through Epsom Town centre a few weeks ago and funnily enough, their vans completely blocked the crossing I was trying to use with my 4 year old on a very busy street making it very unsafe.

    They’ve caused lots of annoyance with their constant horns, driving up local traffic unnecessarily and megaphones. I hear more hate for Just Stop Oil but can frankly say, they’ve never caused me personally any problems at all so funny isn’t it…

  • I have a family car, road bike, ebike and escooter. I really like my escooter the most for traveling around by myself, especially so I can jump on a train or bus, or even get a taxi if needed BUT they are still illegal here so I got pulled over by the police (I wasn’t riding like an idiot so they let me off with a warning) and all the trains and buses have banned them so it’s now useless. They never made them legal so we only have dangerous cheap ones. We could have legalised them like we did with ebikes and would have tackled this problem but only young or poor people use them so no chance. I love my ebike too but prefer the e scooter unless I’m going shopping or much longer trips without getting public transport. My road bike is for cycling trips in nice weather.

  • It is funny that both the left wing and right wing in the UK complain so much about the police “targeting” them more so than the other.

    I do think they were very heavy handed during the blm protests and tend to have a soft spot for right wing protests because they themselves are historically right wing, similar to the US I guess. However, they have absolutely no time for these far right football hooligans and they know they are looking for trouble so no matter where they go to “protest” (I.e. drink lots and spew hatred) they tend to have to follow them and contain them from the normal public just going about their lives.

  • If he came out and said he will follow the will of the people and appoint a pro brexit person to lead a new dept and also lead negotiations, I think he could’ve got away with it. At least he could’ve seen through a transition to a new govt rather than just abandon it everything.

    Maybe he shouldn’t have pissed off the brexit crowd with those govt paid leaflets and the support he gave. He should’ve planned something for what would happen if the vote didn’t go his way. We could’ve at least figured out what type of brexit the country wanted as a binary yes - no was not enough.

    I see what you mean though, maybe it was just never possible and it was his only option. I just think he caused the most damage to this country ever and somehow is getting away with it with seemingly no consequences. No matter what, he is so linked to this situation in a negative way he should not be in politics anymore, either as a cabinet member or lord

  • If you watch various videos people posted on social media and not just the news ones (which also showed the same to be fair), it’s really obvious they were looking for fights constantly. They were far right supporters and the old style football fans, drinking heavily and geared up for a fight (balaclavas, weapons etc). They really targeted the police, trying to goad them with chants and look for points of weakness in the lines, and it felt like the majority of people there were doing it or supporting those who were. There were almost no women and non white people. One thing I found funny was they were singing “England till I die” in most videos but in one to an obviously Welsh police unit, and they didn’t see the irony there.

    The march was complete opposite, it was a very diverse group of people, actually mainly women, marching through and chanting peaceful messages. They weren’t squaring off to the police who were more on the sidelines. There were some small groups of people ready for fight and squaring off to the police at points or when the counter demonstrators were close but it was such a small minority overall. Even the videos where police took away some of the banners were quite civil. The protesters were arguing back with words only and no pushing and shoving.

    I have to say, the police seemed to get it right and helped keep things as peaceful as possible considering the tension. A lot of eyes were on them. It seemed like half the protestors had cameras and there were tons of journalists looking for action.

  • I am really coming around to the fact that mopeds should be more common. The trouble is, it feels dangerous until car/van/trucks reduce in number, which is a catch-22.

    I am thinking of getting one for my commute as just started a new job where it is possible to go on public transport but takes twice as long and lots of changes. Its just awkward placement really rather than the lack of transport, as have to criss cross. It does blow my mind how everyone is driving around tanks just for one person to travel (as cars have gotten noticeably bigger), it just doesn’t make sense!

  • I used to live in Birmingham and 100% agree with this sentiment. I’d regularly see cars speeding, parking ridiculously and several road rage incidents. However, I felt I had to have a car because public transport for getting around and not just to / from the city centre was terrible. I lived in a suburb with friends in neighbouring suburbs. To drive would be 20 minutes but to get public transport would be over an hour.

    I’d love to have cycled but outside the city centre it was horrible and dangerous. There are miles of canals that would be perfect but around where I lived they were poorly maintained and used by people to take drugs. Its not nice having to cycle over broken needles…

    I really hope the council would change this but it’s pretty unlikely now they’re bankrupt!