• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2023


  • It’s been almost a decade since I used C++ and had to verify, but after some quick searching around it looks like it hasn’t changed a ton since I last looked at it.

    You can use smart pointers, and certainly you should, but it’s a whole extra thing tacked on to the language and the compiler doesn’t consider it an issue if you don’t use them. Using new in C++ isn’t like using unsafe in rust; in rust your code is almost certainly safe unless marked otherwise, whereas in C++ it may or may not be managed properly unless you explicitly mark a pointer as smart.

    For your own code in new codebases this is probably fine. You can just always make your pointers smart. When you’re relying on code from other people, some of which has been around for many years and has been written by people you’ve never heard of, it becomes harder to be sure everything is being done properly at every point, and that’s where many of these issues come into play.

  • brenticus@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.mlLadybird announcement
    3 months ago

    C and C++ require more manual management of memory, and their compilers are unable to let you know about a lot of cases where you’re managing memory improperly. This often causes bugs, memory leaks, and security issues.

    Safer languages manage the memory for you, or at least are able to track memory usage to ensure you don’t run into problems. Rust is the poster boy for this lately; if you’re writing code that has potential issues with memory management, the compiler will consider that an error unless you specifically mark that section of code as unsafe.

  • Honestly? Bash. I tried a bunch a few years back and eventually settled back on bash.

    Fish was really nice in a lot of ways, but the incompatibilities with normal POSIX workflows threw me off regularly. The tradeoff ended up with me moving off of it.

    I liked the extensibility of zsh, except that I found it would get slow with only a few bits from ohmyzsh installed. My terminal did cool things but too slowly for me to find it acceptable.

    Dash was the opposite, too feature light for me to be able to use efficiently. It didn’t even have tab completion. I suffered that week.

    Bash sits in a middle ground of usability, performance, and extensibility that just works for me. It has enough features to work well out of the box, I can add enough in my bashrc to ease some workflows for myself, and it’s basically instantaneous when I open a terminal or run simple commands.

  • If the bad guy hears rumours about someone asking the question, does anything change?

    When a clock fills in these contexts that should indicate that something needs to happen, and that something likely requires PC response. So if it isn’t going to significantly impact the PCs until the third clock, it may as well be one big clock with stuff happening in the background as it fills. But if each clock has an impact and the PCs can do something to impact future clocks, stacking makes sense.

    Regarding handling the consequence: it definitely depends. I’ll sometimes use a clock if they’re trying to overcome some major obstacle, so filling it means that they have less to deal with and that’s probably going to be an RP exercise. But most of the time it’s going to result in a change in position, or a need to resist something, or even a material change in their crew’s territory that requires some response. In the example above, especially for such a large clock, I’d probably have the consequence be something like the bad guys invading their territory targeting the PC asking questions, which requires more than a mere change in position to resolve. That could involve a full-on heist to thwart.

  • Varies wildly depending on system, but I generally try to make sure there’s some sort of large conflict that they’re trying to solve which usually has a few smaller conflicts involved. In DnD those smaller conflicts are often combat, but in Forged in the Dark games there’s more variety.

    It’s rare that the big thing for a session is combat unless I’ve set up some sort of boss battle, but hey, sometimes the players want to kill things, I’m not gonna stop them 🤷

  • The discover store comes with KDE nowadays. GNOME has a similar store. Most recommended distros will preinstall one of those two. Ubuntu has a similar snap store, I think.

    I guess the steam flatpak is unofficial. Works, though. Very simple, lazy solution. Could have gone through the fedora repos, too, where they’ve gone through the effort of repacking the deb for their users.

    Dunno what your package manager problem is. Don’t even know what you’re running. Mine works fine, and certainly better than the windows store 🤷

    Appimages sure aren’t recognized as system apps. They’re basically like an exe on windows. I’d rather manually add my rare appimage to the menu than go through the installer hell windows has.

    Your point seems a little silly because, honestly, my experience is that developers have largely made the Linux desktop experience so simple and stable that it works better than any windows machine I’ve used in the past decade. I’m sorry this hasn’t been your experience, but in the last couple of years I’ve pretty much only needed to open the terminal because I want to, not because I need to.

  • I installed steam by going into my discover app, searching for steam, and clicking install. This is how I get most things, excepting a few appimages I downloaded that just work. I change my settings via GUIs that came with KDE. The only extra configuration GUIs I installed were pavucontrol (just like it for some reason) and protontricks (for doing weird stuff with games most people never need to do).

    I don’t know what distro/de/wm you’re using right now but what you’re saying doesn’t need to be the case. Linux desktop is honestly working better than windows for me lately.

  • Ruff is super nice, the speed increase means that I no need to wait a second after saving a file to make sure my linter or formatter don’t confuse me.

    Python packaging is kind of a mess where each tool that solves a problem also feels like it bogs down the process. It doesn’t help that I need multiple tools to manage both my python and package versions. It sounds like uv isn’t far enough along for me to bother with yet, but it also has a goal and team behind it that make me optimistic that this isn’t just another packager to throw on the pile.

  • I’ve read this book multiple times, so I think I’ve got a good understanding of it and the spark joy concept still gets me. Basically, it makes you think something must make you soooo happy you only want that thing.

    Well I can say that she at least doesn’t particularly understand the concept.

    This article is basically “I hate the book and the method, I don’t understand half of very well, it works super well and I highly recommend it” which is pretty funny, if not exactly well presented.

  • They sort of have watches categorized by sport/purpose if you know why you want a watch, but most of them do basically the same stuff and the main differences are battery life, appearance/build, and whether it has GPS.

    I wanted something I could use to navigate and track multi-day backcountry hikes, so I got a Fenix. My wife wanted to go for a run without bringing her phone with her, so I got her a forerunner. There are lots of options, but even the cheapest watch is good enough if you just want to track steps and basic activities.

  • Federal, provincial, and territorial emergency management agencies have lots of non-social media ways of telling people to get out of Dodge, but for smaller updates on a situation that don’t need an alarm going off on everyone’s phone in a huge area social media and news are more reliable for reaching a large number of people. People don’t check government websites often enough, but they check twitter and Facebook a lot, and it’s repeatedly shown to be the method that gets the most attention from affected people.

    A lot of these smaller updates are stuff like status of people’s homes, updates on the wildfire and suppression efforts, options for evacuees, reminding people to stay out of town, etc.

    Actual emergency warnings that need urgent action result in every phone in the region blaring like they’re waking the dead. Those do not rely on the benevolence of foreign corporations.